Blood in urine

  • 12 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Got a surprise today gents, went to wee and big splash of blood shot out. The GP is phoning me Thursday.  Of course I have googled for info but has anyone had experiences like that? I am 3 years into metastatic cancer.

  • Waits like these are always the worst, GP rather than hospital team? 

  • Coincidence isYoungMan that I had been given that GP appointment a couple of days ago due to other blood test issues so I thought wait another couple of days and deal with two in one go?

    Clear as mud probably.

    Hopefully not a decision I will regret! Cheers.

  • Hi . I've just jumped across from the bladder group after noticing your post. Blood in urine can be caused by a number of things, but obviously needs to be investigated. In the meantime, can I recommend you drink plenty of water. Drinking water can prevent clots forming and causing blockages. We are advised to drink 2-3 litres of water a day to keep things flushed out. Hope you don't mind me coming in on this. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you for your advice rily, I have an appointment for tomorrow and will be drinking plenty of water. Only wish your advice was to drink beer!

    Thanks again.

  • I do get blood in my urine occassionally but it has been put down to my being on anticoagulants for Atrial Fibrillation related stroke risk.  Are you on any medications or has any of your medication been changed which could also cause this?  Only saying this so that you can rule other things out when you speak to your GP tomorrow.  I hope things go well for you.  Shame drinking wine wasn't recommended.

  • Thanks for the reply freefaller, I am only on Zoladex hormone treatment and Provera for hot flushes.

    I am on a fair amount of wine drinking but that hasn't changed over the years either! I will report back.

  • Ah that's OK.  Wine is good for you I am sure.

  • Good morning gents. Just had my call from the GP. He was not overly concerned with the blood issue but is prescribing something to improve the flow as he believes this will ease the stinging.

    He also discussed my annual blood test for chromium / cobalt content as one of my replacement hips is metal on metal. Although I have more chrome in me than a 60s yankee car bumper, luckily the cancer will kill me before that does. See, a real silver lining!

    Thanks for all your contributions and good luck with all your treatments.

  • Glad your consultation went well.  I heard tell that for some reason women are more prone to bigger problems with metal on metal hips - I know my cousin's wife had hers taken out a few years ago and somehow or other she managed to fall in the hospital twice and dislocate the new hip so had 3 hip operations on the one leg two of them just days apart - OUCH!

  • Yes, it is the people with smaller sockets that suffer the most problems and women unfortunately are at the bigger risk. I dont fancy your cousins wife's experience, what a nightmare, I have always tried to be a bit careful not to put too much strain on it to be on the safe side. 

    I will leave it to a scrap dealer in my will, must be worth a couple of bob? Cheers.