Radical radiotherapy - spaceoar

  • 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hi everyone

hope you are all keeping okay.

My husband will be starting radical radiotherapy following his chemo treatment.

He is considering having a Spaceoar procedure prior to starting radiotherapy.  Has anyone else had this?  would be good to hear your experiences etc.

thanks, B.

  • Hi B

    I was reading about this in the paper a couple of weeks ago. looks good as a way of minimising side effects from possible RT damage.

    Hope all goes well, let us know.

    best wishes


  • Hi bego1, the idea is that the spaceoar increases distance between the rectum and the prostate which reduces the dose of radiation the rectum receives. This reduces the toxic effects of the radiation on the rectum like radiation proctitis, rectal bleeding, fecal incontinence etc.

    See this report https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23414766/

    I haven’t used the spaceoar, it wasn’t available when I had salvage radiotherapy. Hopefully someone who has will come along.

    I would research fully and make an informed decision before radiotherapy. All the best,


  • Hi Ido4

    many thanks for your reply and will research as you say.

    M has just had his third session of chemo today (so half way there Slight smile  ) doing really well so far, and thoughts turning to the radiotherapy treatment that is due to start in October.

    best wishes


  • Hi Steve

    thanks for your reply and yes will share how we progress with this group.   

    M has just had his third cycle of chemo today and is really doing well.

    take care, B.