prostate cancer spread to lungs

  • 4 replies
  • 108 subscribers


Have any of you had experience of prostate cancer spreading to lungs ? Have any of you had a lobectomy. My husband has to have this op shortly. 


  • Hello Strawhead, I had lung cancer in 2014 and then completely separate prostate cancer in 2016. I don't know whether your husband's lung tumour is a secondary to prostate or a new one to the lung?

    I had my right lung removed completely in 2014. I was petrified before my operation as I'd never even been in hospital before but, although difficult, it was not as bad as I anticipated and I recovered quite quickly. I get just a little breathless walking briskly up hills and couldn't run far at all but other than that there's no significant difference now. I was told that, particularly if you exercise, what's left of your lungs will expand and take over from at least part of what's missing.

    If you have more specific questions on a lobectomy procedure and after effects I'd suggest you ask on the lung cancer community as some on there have relevant experience.

    By the way, I'm pleased to say that I'm still OK and apart from periodic PSA blood tests I don't have any other hospital or medical involvement at all now.

    I hope it goes well for your husband.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to excavator


    Thankyou for your reply. I am pleased to hear that your situation has improved. Good luck to you. My husband has his lobectomy July 1st. We are both quite scared but hey ho. 

  • Hi Strawhead,

                                Sorry to hear of your husbands condition and future operation but I`m sure it will go well. I have had advanced Prostate cancer since diagnosed in March 2020 which has spread to my lungs, bones and lymph nodes. My local specialist nurse told me on the day of my diagnosis that prostrate cancer that has spread the lungs is still prostate cancer and not lung cancer. He also told me that any treatment I receive for my prostate cancer will also treat the tumours in my lungs and anywhere else it has spread to. I do not have an option for surgery but the consultant your husband has, obviously believes this is the correct treatment for him. I can only sympathise with you both during the wait for his surgery. July 1st is not too far away and will come soon enough, please be strong.

    Take care and thinking of you both.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to HarleyD

    Hi Tom

    Thanks for your reply and sorry for your health issues. Tony went for his pre assessment today. So after a Covid test on Saturday op should go ahead. We have had a few different consultants ring us up and prostate consultant said prostate cancer has shrunk down and he dosnt have appt with him until October. He said we not concerned about 2 nodules in lungs but because you are getting a bit breathless we will investigate. Tony had PET scan and lung function test. Then last Thursday another lung consultant rang us and said you need an op we are highly suspicious its cancer.He ssid if you font have surgery you wont be here next year.Could be from prostate or lung cancer he said. My husband was a smoker. He cant have a biopsy on lung nodules as they are in too awkward of a place. Dosnt help that our original oncogist for prostate cancer has left. Plus with Covid its all phone calls so its all a bit unsettling. Onwards and upwards but going be a lonv road. Good luck to you Tom