Radiotherapy Prostrate Cancer

  • 15 replies
  • 112 subscribers


Well husband is at last had a pre-assessment for radiotherapy and hopes it will start in 3 to 4 weeks. Just wondering what side effects and if there’s anything I should buy to be prepared.

Just so glad treatment is starting. Lockdown isn’t fun when all treatments were stopped due to Covid-19.


  • So glad that your husband will be starting his radiotherapy soon.  Some but not all men will get bladder and/or bowel disturbances at about half way through radiotherapy.  I got one night when I was up all night passing urine but other than that nothing.  If your husband does find this then he should tell his radiotherapist straight away and they will prescribe something.  One can get either loose bowel movements or  constipation - sometimes both and the same with bladder sometimes hardly stopping and sometimes hard to start.  Other than that no one I know had any other side effects.  I think some got more fatigued but hard to say whether this was the HT or the radiotherapy or just the pressure of travel to and from the hospital and the actual process rather than the RT.  Remember everyone is different and some of us have few, hardly noticeable problems and others may have more.  As son as he or you notice anything different then tell the radiologist and they will get someone to help try and sort things out.  There may be others on here who have had other problems with Radiotherapy who can give a little extra insight.

    All the best to you and hubby and keep in touch along the way.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Thank you for this response. Glad that you got through radiotherapy without too many problems. I am just so glad that treatment is starting, I was worried that it had been delayed because of coronavirus. My view is we will be happy to deal with side affects if it means a good result.

    Stay safe

  • Hi Helen, I finished about a year ago (RT) and had luckily few minor problems. Had a little blood round the back when wiping and some clear gel like liquid a couple of time along with some severe wind but all are recognised side effects but I did check with the Macmillan Nurse at the Urology Dept by e-mail and she rang me the next day and that put my mind at rest. Before RT I slept through most nights and after was up two or three times but that is slowly improving and again was told that would happen at the finish of RT. Everyone is different though and what some get others may not but help and advice is always available. I think a lot depends on where the beam hits you as it were but the result will hopefully make it all worthwhile.

    Good luck with the treatment and I hope any side affects are minor!

    Regards  Reg

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Prefect56

    Hi Helen   I'm really glad that this topic has come up as I have opted for radio therapy when I finish the HT, whenever that will be is anybodies guess. I think I will be following this for the foreseeable future, perhaps with a little trepidation lol. 

  • Hi Helen.

    As Des and Reg have both said everyone is different. I had bowel problems in the second half of week 3 of 4 but, after a misdiagnosis by my GP over the phone, it was all sorted out by the nurses at the treatment centre very quickly. I had a bit of leaking in week 4 and used some incontinence pads, but really needed incontinence pants for the journey from the treatment centre to home, which was over two hours (including a ferry journey).

    So, in terms of getting ready, I would buy a pack of pads and a pack of pants. He may not need them but you can always pass the unused ones on to someone else.

    Have a look at my profile for a link to my RT treatment diary.

    I hope the treatment goes well.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Seamus47

    Great, I was thinking about buying incontinence pants and pads. The hospital only allows the patient in at present so my husband didn’t think to ask questions about side effects he was just so glad that treatment was starting. 

    Hope you continue to keep well.


  • Hi Helen

    When I had my RT 20 sessions, I only had one bad day of diarrhoea, otherwise no problems, although it’s a great machine, because it’s a wide angled beam it can slightly affect other organs, it can happen in a week, month or a year later.

    I say this because I suffered from so tact pains, about eight ten months later, nobody knew why, and believe me I had plenty of tests, no one would say it was radiotherapy, but it was inclined, I don’t get much pain now, but it lasted for a few years. So make sure they tell you everything including side effects.

    keep safe.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Thank you for this information. I did get some tena man pants and a waterproof cover for the bed. Being prepared will make dealing with side effects easier. To be honest my husband and I are so glad that treatment is starting soon. I think it was harder not worrying that coronavirus delays were happening. Receiving a letter saying to shield for 12 weeks made my husband realise so scared of catching it in case it would be the end for him. He is now feeling more positive and in much better form. I also feel more positive, it has been so hard not being able to help him and feel like I have been walking on egg shells. 

    Being able to communicate with others who have been in the same situation is great.

    Thank you

  • Hey I’am the same, when I enter a shop I fly round the thing like I have wings then out.

    theres lots of us on here who have gone through the same thing, any time you have worries just come on and ask, we’re all in the same boat.

    If it’s not good news about the scans don’t worry, I like others are still here to fight another day.

    keep safe


  • Hi

    I found that the bowel problems I had were pretty much controlled by dietary changes. However the hospital didn't give me the list of things I shouldn't eat or drink for a couple of weeks. So if you havnt received one ask and follow it- it could make all the difference! 

    Trying to get fit again!