Prostate cancer

  • 23 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hello all, my name is Martin, I'm 49 years old. During this lockdown I've been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer which has spread to my bones and to my lungs. I've been given 5yrs to live. As you can understand my head is in pieces let along what is doing to my wife and my to girls who are aged 7 and 9.

My question is about herbal medicine, will it help me live abit longer by taking these or will it make things worse? My nurse after my first chemo session wouldn't give me an answer, please could anyone help me.


  • Hi Marty Farty, sorry to read about your diagnosis but welcome to the group.

    You haven’t mentioned Gleason score or whether you are on any treatment. Other than chemotherapy.
    Have you started hormone therapy alongside the chemo? 
    You have been dealt with a hard blow to say the least and it will take time for you to get your head around things.

    I would suggest eating a balanced, healthy diet and exercising regularly will both be of benefit to you.

    If you want to discuss herbal medicine I would suggest you see a high quality herbal doctor but also discuss this with your oncologist as some things may interfere with your chemo or hormone therapy making them less effective. I would certainly not stop any conventions treatment as chemo plus HT has been shown to work especially if given early in aggressive cases like yours. 
    I would urge caution and I certainly wouldn’t start any herbal treatment during or for a period after chemo.

    i hope others answer too.


  • Hi MF

    I would go along with everything that Ido has said , also try and get the '5 years' out of your head, no one really knows and I have read  many  stories   of specialists giving a set number of years to live and the patient being alive many years after that.

    I say the 3 most important things,  diet , try and cut down or cut out altogether, red meat, dairy, sugar. , Plenty of exercise and to try and remain POSITIVE, not easy all the time I understand that.

    All the best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Thanks Steve, that's nice to hear. Sorry everything is such a head fuck for myself and the family. So you would go along with the herbal medicines? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Hi, sorry. Gleason was 8,im on injections, steroid tablets, chemo every 21days. This is all very new to me and well over my head. My PSA level was 328 and is now down to 6. 

  • Hi, sounds to me from your treatment and results so far that things are going in the right way. No one has the foggiest as to how long you may have. I was told 8 months to a year, here I am nearly three years on. It will take a fair amount of time to get used to the idea of what has happened to you but you will stop thinking about it 24- 7. Everyone does. Not so easy for your wife, always harder for those worrying about us but eventually, although always hovering on the sidelines, it will become just one of those things.

    Plenty of people on here who will hopefully share my opinions, you will get through it.

  • That’s a fantastic PSA response to treatment MF. 328 to 6 is amazing.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Thanks, fingers crossed. Thanks for getting back to me and giving me your time. Much Appreciated. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    That's good to hear and I'm pleased that I joined this forum. To be fair it's my first forum I've ever done, sad it's under such bad circumstances. Thanks for your time to get back to me. Really means alot and it's nice to hear from people who are going through the same things.


  • Hi Marty

    Sorry about your welfare, first I’am a stage 4 prostate cancer victim, diagnosed nearly four years ago, Gleason 9/10 with a PSA 893.  Like you it’s in various bones in my body. I went on a trial called Stampede, After reducing the PSA I had six doses of docetaxel, then a month or so twenty sessions of Radiotherapy, I’am now on three monthly prostap injections. 
    Now if your on chemotherapy, I must stipulate that you check your temperature twice a day ( morning and night ) your immunity will be very low so be careful. Herbal medicines differ, it’s well known that turmeric, green tea, broccoli, and pomegranate all help combat the disease, I take a tablet called Pomi-t which has all these in it, just go on line look it up.

    The doctors may say a few things but will never say there better than medicine. A few things help, excersize, no red meat, or very little, alcohol limited, sweet things ease the sugar. I drink pomegranate juice low in sugar and good for you.

    Five years to seven is a long a long time things change, new medicines are found all the time, so like me keep looking around and ask questions when your in hospital, if one person says nothing ask another it’s your right to know.

    keep safe.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    That's amazing and the sort of things I need ro read being so new to my condition. So glad your keeping well and life is carrying on. 

    Many thanks for your time. 
