Zoladex implant

  • 4 replies
  • 108 subscribers

I'm due for my second implant on Wednesday and I wondered if it would make my hot flushes get any worse. I seem to be getting them more and more the nearer I get to the injection. Can anyone help me with this please. 

  • I would ask your GP and they might suggest Ciproterone or Provera both of which are prescribed for hot flushes in PC patients. 

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Seamus47

    Hi Seamus 47 

    Thanks for the info, I will give the natural method a try first before even attempting to contact my GP. 

  • Hi, provera kiboshed the flushes for me, quite spectacular improvement, was going out with two towels, now no need for anything. Good luck.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Well I had it done yesterday and it was not the most pleasant of experiences as it took the nurse over a minute of sticking the needle in and wiggling it around. She kept saying that she could not get it into the right place. I did start to worry if we were going to be there all day but she managed it. It was then she said I needed a blood test for my thyroid, again she inserted the needle but couldn't get any blood out of me (why does a stone come to mind.) From being made to wait outside for 20 minutes before going in to all the wiggling about of needles, I'm glad I've now got 3 months respite.