Good news/bad news

  • 5 replies
  • 108 subscribers

I was diagnosed with PSA at 20 in February, 2019  and after Bicalutamide for a month which I did not like had an injection of Stap 3 at end of April. Over 3 months ago I had a blood test and it was PSA 12 and was told to wait and see but  since then not a word from the hospital. A couple of weeks ago at age 79 managed an orgasm with a little help..   My pleasure was tempered with the realisation that my Testosterone had recovered enough  for this event  Should I wait until hospital contacts  me again  as I know they are busy. 

  • My injections have been handled by my GP's surgery and it's always been up to me to make an appointment they just give me a date for the next due one. I would either ring the Hospital or your GP and ask them. As for the orgasm I don't think that would be a worry as I was able to (with a lot of effort!) soon after my first injection but don't get the urge very often. Have you got a Macmillan  Nurse at the Hospital as I've always found them very helpful with any concerns I've had.

    Good luck with your future treatment

    Regards Reg

  • I would definitely contact your GP to discuss this.  You should really be getting a PSA test before every injection.  Had you had any PSA tests previously whilst you have been on the HT?  If so what were they?  Is this is a rise in your PSA or is it stable at around this number.  Whatever, I would definitely speak to your GP and try and get a consultation at your hospital.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Have been told will be back on Bicalutamide before another Stap 3 injection. Bical. affected my legs which have  deteriorated so much am worried about losing the use of them. Old age  and other ailments  including Diabetes T2  haven't helped . The truth is am afraid of another course of them and  loathe to start  on them again. as losing use of legs I couldn't bear . Am 79 and have a 17-1 chance of my aortic aneurysm going pop which means the end. Have turned down intervention as risk  is about the same  My GP told me I was between a rock and  a hard place. On top of this am trying to avoid this pesky virus and medical professions is concentrating resources on  it.  Have breathing problems and heart  problems and Kidneys are  in no great shape.  Side effects of the many pills am taking are contraindicated for some ailments  I have. Sometimes I think that   medical  profession  doesn't take into consideration the other ailments I have although I tell   them.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Have just had a phone call from hospital asking me to have a blood  test for PSA. So will organise it.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi I have AF and Copd along with the cancers and I'm sure that none of the hospital departments confer with each other. One of them prescribes a medication and it isn't till you read the instructions that come with it that you find it's contrary to one of your other ailments. When I'm prescribed anything I ask about how it will affect the other ailments, normally I think they just tell me what they think I want to hear.