Prostate cancer scared and feeling down

  • 12 replies
  • 110 subscribers


Since being told to shield 3 weeks ago my husband is very tearful, frightened and angry. He is now petrified of getting Coronavirus and he believes that as cancer Gleason 9 was too advanced and aggressive for prostatectomy he is terrified it will have spread.  He feels that although on Decapeptyl 6 monthly injections because he cannot start radiotherapy or chemo, he feels he will be dead before he is 60. 

I feel like I’m walking on egg shells. He seems to have lost all will to live and just likes being left alone. 

I am calm but yet feel that he needs to stop feeling sorry (we are where we are) but we need to stay positive, healthy and as fit as we can be to beat this. Currently all he sees is 12 weeks confined to the house, which will probably be longer, and when I try to engage with him all I get is ‘what is the point’.

I am physically and mentally drained at the moment. 

  • It is only natural to be anxious. My husband was diagnosed January 2018 PSA 528 extensive bone Mets. Started injections April of that year every 3 months for life 6 cycles of Chemo. We are also isolating for 12 weeks. We have always taken each day as it comes and live it to the full.At the beginning it was hard because there was so much you didn't know or understand but you learn in time that you can live with it with a positive attitude.This forum was a blessing for me and all the brave men on it will always be there for you. Don't hesitate if you want to talk to get in touch. Take care stay safe.

  • hi helen 

    i'm a gleason 9 inoperable and incurable according to the oncologist/urologist !!

    been on zoladex since january 2019 did 5 out of the 6 sessions of chemo .

    the chemo was a complete waste of time for me my cancer actually spread during it .

    i was supposed to start radiotheraphy after that but with spread to my spine/pelvis/rib and chest he said it was a waste of time .

    so i was put on abiraterone so thats me now for life ! 

    but i have never stopped working all the way through everything , i'm still working now !!

    you have to snap him out of the mental state he's in now  positivity is the key in this battle 

    if you change his mindset life will be so much better for you both 


  • Hi Helen

    I realise that he has an aggressive cancer but u don't say if it has spread, possibly still contained?

    At least the HT should be keeping the psa down and stopping the spread, hopefully he will be able to have the RT when this virus is over. Is the psa being monitored, is it stable/going down?

    As far as Coronavirus goes we are all worried about catching it but trying to remain positive is essential.

    All the best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Thanks Steve

    His PSA is now down to 2 3 weeks ago (on starting hormone treatment last Nov it was 30). 

    He got a 6 month hormone injection 3 weeks ago so that he did not have to go to GP for 6 months.

    I agree that this is a worrying time for a lot of people. I think he is finding shielding hard but knows that it is essential. I think he is angry that it took 18 months to find the cancer and he is feels worried that it could spread. The consultant at last visit said he was surprised that he was seeing him with such a high score  so late after PSA being raised 18 months previous. 

    It’s hard at present with him feeling so down. 

    Hopefully things will improve over the next few months. I think he will feel happier when radiotherapy or chemo can start.

    Look after yourself. I know its hard for everyone but I am of the opinion that you need to keep fit, strong and stay positive.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen, 

    Sorry, your husband is feeling so tearful. My husband is also gleason 9 and should have started radiotherapy next month but will now be in 3 months time hopefully. We were told that the hormones will keep everything in check until then. I rang the free phone prostate cancer nurses and they did say with a high gleason score you used to wait 6 months for treatment to shrink the prostate down. We took a little comfort in this keep, trying to believe and look at the positive reviews of others who have come out the otherside. I do hope this all clears up soon although my husband has not been told to shield. He is 68 and was told by oncologist he is not at anymore risk than anyone else because of hormones, but he is getting close to 70 so just be a bit careful.

    Keep as positive as you can knowing there are a lot of men in the same boat. 

    Keep well. 


  • So that's brilliant news, psa down to 2 from 30  four months ago.

    It shows the HT is working and gives some breathing space until further treatment can start.


  • Hello Paul

    thats very brave of you to keep working.

    I wish you the very best and hope you can beat this despite what the oncologist says.


  • thanks roy 

    i work alone as a gardener so i'm pretty safe work wise ! 

    i'm certainly gonna try and beat it , so i'm researching my  own treatment as well ! 

    i'm doing the JOE TIPPENS PROTOCOL atm and i feel great ( hot sweats apart ) !

    i would advise anyone whose told they are incurable to read his story 

    mycancerstoryrocks . my onc was very open to me using repurposed drugs !

    i have nothing to lose by being open to alternative treatments !!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Margaret

    Hopefully in a few months the treatment can start. Husband now seems calmer and I think this has been helped by a few nights better sleep. The other day he had not slept due to hot and cold constant flushes for several weeks. I think that even being in n the garden in this nice weather has also helped.

    I hope you and your husband can start treatment soon and enjoy good times together.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    I agree and am glad that the hormone treatment can keep things under control.

    I also think not constantly listening to the news helps.

    I hope you stay well and stay positive 
