Advise required

  • 5 replies
  • 109 subscribers

It seems i have a lot of side effects from Decapeptyl  and the Hospital is advising my Doctor i could change to Zoladex or Prostap , i was not offered Bicalutmide or Flutamide ? H`mm why not.

I also was not offered any Anti Androgen drug , H`mm why not

I have the hot flushes , Bad Head aches , massively elevated bone main { i have wide spread Osteo Arthritis }   Chest Pain , worsened Gastro Reflux ,  Brain Fog 

I`am taking Tramadol which is an opiod not as strong as Cocodanmol , but then from that constipation

, i`am supposed to start RT on Tuesday the 17th November , but for me there is to many what if factors

  • I can't help u with the HT but I would go ahead with the RT, only thing is why not start in the New Year, you are going to miss days anyway o er Xmas and you don't want more issues over the festive period.

    Far better to start 5/1 on a full week. I presume u meant treatment starts 17 Dec, maybe too late to change


  • Sorry you are suffering like this. Anti androgens tend to be used for a few weeks before and after starting the androgen deprivation therapy. Sometimes anti androgens are used on their own or together with ADT. Elevated bone pain is listed as a side effect of ADT. 

    I was on PROSTAP for 2 1/2 years and suffered elevated pain due to my psoriatic arthritis. Hot flushes and brain fog too.

    It may be you function better on a different drug, only by trying it will you know.


    for more information.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember


    I cant offer any advice about the other hormone treatments but I have wear and tear in my back (probably due to years of golfing in the past) and this has been giving me pain in the last few months which the nurse who does my jabs at my GP's surgery says is due to the Decapeptyl - back pain is a very common side effect apparently...

    I have started taking a combination of paracetamol and Ibuprofen which helps but doesn't get rid of it totally - its not crippling pain but I'm aware of it most of the time - its not stopping me training for the MacMillan Mighty Hike in July for instance.

    It would be interesting to hear others thoughts on alternative HT.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Sorry I can't advise you about the HT but I can make some suggestions concerning pain relief.

    Firstly, you may not be correct in thinking Co Codamol is stronger than Tramadol.

    The over the counter version of Co codamol is 8mg codeine and 500mg paracetamol .

    The prescribed version of Co codamol is 16mg/500mg.

    However the codeine is the stronger of the two drugs, but there isn't much codeine in either of these.  if you compare this to codeine phosphate  30mg or 60mg.

    The amount of co codamol you can take is limited by the paracetamol i.e. no more than 1g 4 times a day = 64mg of codeine a day if you take co codamol.

    You can take 240 mg codeine phosphate a day.

    Although Tramadol may not be as potent, you can take up to 400mg a day.  Additionally, the side effects don't seem to be as limiting as codeine.

    It is  safe to take both Tramadol and Ibuprofen at the same time, they work in different ways.

    Constipation is a problem with Tramadol, as it is with co codamol.  The constipation with co codamol may not be as severe because there is actually less opiate.

    There are some simple measures you can take to minimise the constipation e.g. drink lots, regularly use a bulk forming agent like Fybogel or a "liquifier" like Lactulose.  Eat fruits and fibre containing foods, e.g. wholemeal bread etc.  Avoid binding foods e.g. eggs, bananas, red meat, white bread, caffeine, alcohol and chocolate. 

    Regularly take a gentle laxative e.g. Senokot.  Avoid chemical laxatives as they should only be used short term, in the longer term they can make constipation worse.

    Keep mobile

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks every one for the replies and information , i have a problem as i was not offered alternative HT treatment and i read if presenting with chest pain / bone pain , blood tests should be done , i go  today for the first RT session which is more of a Training session and RT scan marking of the spot they need to concentrate on , may be with Contrast and a ? drink that takes an hour to drink.

    i have problems with the constipation from Tramadol but it is less severe than Cocodamol or is it  Codiene,  another side effect of Decapetyl is constipation and in the past only Phosphate enemas work for me, the bone pain is getting really bad even in the chest ,  this is confused with Angina a ECG my GP found yesterday now says i have angina the EGC was for the side effects of HT which can prolong the Q interval level of the heart beat , A&E did not consider this and the ECG was handed to them by the Cardiology Dept , my GP put me on a mild dose of Angina pills ,