Radiotherapy treatment

  • 10 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Treatment locations?

Morning, a tad chilly today but there again I could always put socks and jeans on.

Radiotherapy - Is there a List of treatment centres I can look at that’s easier to find than looking at the NHS website?

everyone ready for Christmas?!

  • Hi Robert

    I have never seen such a list.  You would normally go to your nearest RT for treatment , 20 days travelling for your treatment, the nearer the better.

    I suppose the only time to change from that is if the RT centre  near u didn't have a good record , then u might want to look round for alternatives.

    Where in the country r u ?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Thanks Steve,

    I guess I’m just over cooking it... trying to avoid being directed into London and 2 hour journeys!!

    regards Robert 

  • Definitely try and avoid long journeys into c . London . You will have to carry out a self induced enema before each treatment, not the sort of thing to do on the Piccadilly line at 6.30 in the morning.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    It`s  the pain killers  [ Cocodamol or Oramorph ] that make me constipated and i know from past experience when in Hospital  a self induced enema would not work for me , only a phosphate enema but i or any one else cannot self induce that, I`am due to start RT on the 17th December,? so will have to just go on paracetamol.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have the same problem with codeine and get by on paracetamol. Good luck with the radiotherapy.

  • You should have a planning CT Scan before the RT starts - usually 10 days to a week before so wherever you have that planning scan will be where you have the RT.  RT is usually at larger hospitals and usually in a city.  Whichever hospital I went to I would have had about a 2 hour drive or more depending on the time of day so I found a Cancer Self Help Centre and stayed there - about half an hour from the hospital - donating the amount of money I would have spent on petrol to them.  This was great as we could spend time going to see plays and such like which we rarely do and visiting friends who live near or in the city.  Actually really enjoyed the 4 weeks.  Unfortunately they were closed the first 8 days for refurbishment so stayed at a Travel lodge in the city centre - where I could get a bus to the hospital - arriving there in time to do enema and drink sufficient water etc. I traveled home every weekend and therefore they gave me an early RT slot on a Friday so that I could get away early and a later one on Monday giving me ample time to get in.

  • Sometimes the hospitals themselves have accommodation where you can stay during the weeks you have radiotherapy so worth asking.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    At least you might get a seat - if not the whole carriage!

  • My husband has his first radiotherapy session next week at planning session nothing was mentioned about end a just drinking is this common practice as we have 2 hours travel each way  and hoped he could drive up himself some days

  • My husband has his first radiotherapy session next week at planning session nothing was mentioned about end a just drinking is this common practice as we have 2 hours travel each way  and hoped he could drive up himself some days