PSA 10,000+

  • 5 replies
  • 110 subscribers

My dad had a PSA of 10,000+ when 1st diagnosed approx mid august. After 2 chemo sessions down to 1146. Blood test just before 3rd round of chemo (I peaked at notes was not told) down to 714.6. I know this is way wat too high but this must be a good sign yes?. I make that after two chemo sessions approx 90% reduction, and day before 3rd round of chemo approx another 37% reduction (1146 to 714.6). He is now half way through 6 rounds of chemo. The cancer is in bones as well my question is, will the cancer that as spread be the same type/strain that came from prostate?. (original source). I wanted to know because my hope is that if PSA is getting lower the prostate must be shrinking yes?. And my hope is that the chemo is having the same effect in the bones. But last few days dad is feeling unwell I just hope this is side effects of chemo. He feels tired I know this to be a side effect, but very sore lower back burning pain in legs. I just hope the cancer in his lower spine is not growing again, he had radiotherapy on it 2 months ago.

Cheers for anyone's time reading or replying to my post.

  • Hell ja32, sorry to read of your Dad’s diagnosis. The rapid fall in PSA indicates that the chemotherapy is attacking the cancer cells. The cancer in his bones will be spread from the cancer in his prostate so the chemotherapy will be attacking it in all areas including bone.

    Is he on a hormone therapy too? Normally that would be the case. Early chemotherapy alongside hormone therapy have been shown to prolong life.

    Neither the hormone therapy or chemotherapy will totally destroy the cancer but hopefully they will keep it at bay for a long time. 

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Thanks for replying ldo4, yes he is on hormone injections I think it's once every 3 months. I know we are just buying time. Thanks for telling me it does attack it in bones as well. Feel better knowing that. Same thinking here just hoping they can keep it at bay for a long time.

    thanks for your time.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just to reinforce what's already been said, the cancer in the bones is the same cancer as in the prostate gland itself.  The chemo and hormones will reduce it wherever it is.

    Some of the symptoms you describe could be side effects of the chemo and HT, but some of them could still be due to the cancer. especially if it's in the spine.

    Hopefully the symptoms are manageable and the treatment can keep the cancer in abeyence for some time.

  • read MYCANCERSTORYROCKS  by joe tippens and see what u think 

    i'm doing the protocol as all i'm getting is palliative care !

  • I’m also three cycles through six chemo docetoxel.  Cycle two the pain kicked in, the pain correlates with where the cancer has spread. The consultant confirmed and said pain might get worse before better, this is due to swelling caused by the chemo attacking the cancer.  The are so many side affects of chemo and hormone therapy but sometimes it’s a sign the treatment is being effective.