  • 3 replies
  • 107 subscribers

Folks,  I was wondering if anyone could help me.  My brother has been diagnosed with multi focal prostrate cancer, Gleason grade 6, PSA 6 and the urologist has advised that he should do active surveillance due to his age (54) and the side effects of treatment.  However, he also has an enlarged prostrate and this is causing him ongoing problems with urination and infections.  The urologist is going to do TURP surgery for this soon, but I am concerned that this will affect the cancer and perhaps make it spread more as I believe its basically a procedure which involves slicing a piece of the prostrate off so the urine can flow out better.  Has anyone else had this procedure whilst under active surveillance?  Any help/advice is appreciated. Thanks Ruby

  • It depends on what type of TURP Operation your brother has you can have it done by laser as I did back in 2004 - indeed by now this maybe how the vast majority of TURP operations are done nowadays but back then very few NHS hospitals were doing this in which caseI don't believe there is a problem.  In year's gone by people always thought that if you cut you spread cancer but I generally think that this was because the treatment for any cancer was not so good and whether you cut or not there was not much to be done in those days as there is now.  Is there a history of Prostate Cancer in your family?  I only ask because there is in mine and my brother has recently had treatment for gleason score 6 low grade cancer that he could have been on active surveillance for but with myself and our father both having PCa - though my father was never treated as he was in his early eighties when diagnosed and died of something else at the age of nearly 90 but it was thought with the family history my brother should have treatment rather than go on active surveillance. 

    I would suggest that if your brother is concerned he should maybe ask for a second opinion or discuss this further with specialist nurses or his consultant and oncologist.  You can also contact the Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses on 0800 074 8383.  They have been invaluable to myself and my wife during the last few years and give absolutely brilliant advice.  The helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm and on Wednesdays from 9am to 8pm.  You can ring too it doesn't have to be the cancer sufferer or his carer.

    All the best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller


    Many thanks for replying to this question and giving us the helpline number.  We rang it and the nurse was very helpful.

    Thanks again Ruby.

  • So pleased you got some help.  It is so good to have a chat with someone isn't it?

    Hope all goes well for you all.
