Husbands prostate cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Hi guys 

2 years ago I posted regarding my husbands PC worrying it had spread it hadn't and had 37 RT treatments and has been in HT for  27 months . After the end of RT in December 2017  saw consultant and PSA that was 6.4 when diagnosed down a lot so consultant said see you in 12 months we looked amazed he said nothing will happen while your on HT so off we went March this year again PSA down tagain he said see you in 12 months .Husband ask how will we know if gone he replied if when you stop injections your PSA goes up husband ask if there was a scan or anything No ! Away we came about 8 weeks ago husband had back ache dr sent for X-ray husband worried PC had spread bloods done PSA 0.07 but a wedge fracture found on vertebrae so Dr prescribed meds but no relief so Dr sent for MRI . Cancer found up vertebrae so CT scan done to find cancer in ribs up spine lymph nodes and small bit of liver . Oncology say wouldn't think it's PC as PSA so low but now they think it is but done biopsy to be sure . Dr says they test first for PC that was Wednesday morning biopsy taken . This morning dr rang to say he would get a call from department to see him Monday with view of blast of RT then someone else will call to give appointment for Thursday about chemo as they had meetings yesterday . Phone call came to say Monday at 3pm but no call regarding Thursday but then the Dr rang back and ask if we had appointment for Monday told yes so he ask it we could go earlier to discuss things then have RT after . My husband ask if they knew if it was PC or not Dr said not got all results yet but hopefully by Monday he would .How can they talk about treatment or even start treatment if they don't know if it is PC although when we saw him last week he said they think it is by the way it has spread but needs to be sure before treatment .Im worried that they change their mind from this morning with the way they giving RT etc .Also he said they ask for the biopsy to be tested for PC so as to know quicker but if it wasn't then it would take longer so I'm thinking as biopsy was only taken Wednesday morning and we got call today they have ruled out PC if that's the case who knows . Another thing I told the Dr what the consultant said about nothing happening while on HT and he ask my husband if he had stopped them mmmmm No !  also said well could be a different mutation . I ask if at meeting last week it was the overall opinion that it was PC he said yes . I'm really worried either way that he won't get treatment his kidney liver function good although they say a couple small pockets in his liver . If husband didn't have backache we wouldn't have known .His weight dropped as no appetite .When Dr rang this afternoon he never mentioned Thursday's appointment so now I'm feeling like Dr has changed mind about things as how can you have MDT and tell someone about seeing them and planning when they don't have all results or would Dr not tell someone on phone . Any advice or help please I'm worrying so much 

  • Hi N

    This all looks a bit of a muddle, I had to read a few times to try and understand.

    It does seem surprising that with a very low psa the cancer has spread and I think that the specialists are mystified as well.

    There seems to be confusion regards biopsy results, you say that they called u yesterday and ruled out PC, is that from the biopsy result?

    I think that your need to get some more clarification about the biopsy result, do they have it or not, would seem unlikely as it was only done on Wednesday, in which case wait for those results as hopefully that will tell u more about what's going on. Also, has he had a bone scan?



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hi Steve sorry if confusion given I'm in a bit of a state at minute I will try and clarify . The oncologists think even though PSA low it is PC but needed biopsy to be sure . The Dr said they ask for PC to be tested first he says if not biopsy results take longer . Biopsy done Wednesday at .Yesterday dr rang to say he would get appointment for Monday to see him with a view of plan and RT also says he would get appointment for Thursday with consultant about chemo husband didn't ask any questions as I was out . Someone rang and said 3 pm Monday at Radiotherapy suite but then the dr rang and ask if we had appointment for Monday said we had so he ask for him to be there at 2 so he could discuss things then at 3 pm gphe would have RT . Husband ask if he knew what cancer it was he said he hadn't got all results back but hopefully by Monday he would . I am confused as to why only some results back as he says they had meeting and spoke about RT ,Chemo and planning .As I said I ask if at the meeting they all thought it was PC and Dr said yes because of how it presents but when I said consultant assured us nothing would happen on HT he said could be a different mutation .So as I say yesterday morning he says one thing rings back says another but no mention of Thursday's appointment . I'm so worried they not going to treat him and just do bit of RT for the backache sadly it's a double worry for us as our daughter more or less in same position her cancer second time round and they don't know where hers from and on chemo .

  • N

    They did a biopsy 2 years ago and it was cancer but hadn't spread?

    So where was the biopsy done this time, in the prostate again?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    They took it from a lymph node in neck 

  • Wait and see what happens on Monday, should be clearer then.

    With a psa of .07 it's hard to believe that the cancer has progressed to the bones. Specialist talks about a different mutation, I presume that he means a different cancer but not sure on that one perhaps others will post with their views.

    Let us know how u get on next week


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Dr said about different mutation when I said how the consultant told hubby that nothing would happen while on HT and even ask hubby if he had stopped having his injections !   As I said the Dr said that in MDT meeting it was their views that it was PC because of where it had spread and that results would be quicker if was PC and biopsy was only on Wednesday . A letter has arrived today giving him an appointment Thursday at Medical Oncology so Monday he sees Prostate Dr who has organised RT after although just had a text to say at 3 on Monday its a scan /X-ray which I believe is the one where they tattoo for RT so not sure if they do RT at same time . I feel they must know what it is to have these appointments already .They did test for Myloma which was negative so really really pray that they know what their doing but if it is PC I will certainly be having my say . Hubby X PSA when diagnosed 2 years ago was 6.4 and it was only when I read up on PSA I I badgered GP as they doubted anything was wrong .