First Injection today Decapeptyl , but ?

  • 8 replies
  • 107 subscribers

Hello every one , first Injection today Decapeptyl , last 28 days then my GP takes over  the next 4 every 3 months ,  but question on the nurses instruction to my GP the notes go on to say  that  [  Nice Guidance  ] Offer Medroxyprogesterone for trouble some Hot Flushes  and evaluate at the end of treatment , Consider Cyproterone to treat trouble some hot flushes if Medroxyprogesterone is not effective or not tolerated.

So my thinking is why not be prepared and give me the Medroxyprogesterone  in advance of hot flushes as it obvious that I will get them any help appreciated

  • FormerMember


    I have now had two injections of Decapeptyl, the first in Feb shortly after diagnosis and the second in August (mine are every 6 months). I have had occasional hot flushes but nothing too drastic and they quickly pass so I haven't felt the need to ask for anything to stop them happening, and certainly none was offered when I started on this treatment. The sweats have became much less frequent recently, I guess because its now nearly 2 months since I had the jab.

    As with most treatments for PC each person can react differently to them even when given the same dose, so if they are a problem for you then yes I would suggest that you get whatever treatment you can.

    The worst side effect for me has been the back, and more lately, joint pain that I experience - according to the scary leaflet that comes with all drugs these days, back pain is one of the most common side effects of Decapeptyl and I would agree with that. Having said that I have found that a couple of Ibuprofen sorts it out for quite a while. 

    Good luck with the treatment.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Kevin ,  I had back pain for a long time { degenerative spine } just lately though it has been worse, but in 2005 I did fall off a porch roof and landed sort of plumb on my heals so to speck.

    As regards the drugs I mentioned  for Hot Flushes, I thought it practical  to have them ready in place and on reflection should have asked my clinical nurse if setting the drugs in place via the letter to my GP would have been ok , the drugs are mentioned in the letter , but imo having them ready saves time , because getting them if needed would mean booking an appointment at the GP some times takes 2 weeks and then asking for them.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Yes I can see your logic - if they were authorised as a "repeat" item so you could ring up/go online and order the prescription that would mean they were available fairly quickly if you needed them and weren't dispensed unnecessarily if you didn't.

    Hope you are lucky like me and don't need them.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Kevin , I also think the Hospital should or could have issued  the tablets , but I think now I see why they do not as it is passing the costs back to your GP and to be Honest , to make sure all is in place for the next 4 injections is in place at my GP I will have to book an appointment and go down there as the cost of those next 4 injections each one lasting 3 months is also handed over to your  GP, it`s more convenient of course but my GP has goofed up on lots of previous repeat prescriptions  which became a standing joke at the chemist which  by the way is next door , even with regular B12 Injections I have they cannot handle booking your next appointment which is also every 3 months, I have to go through the same thing over and over again , I go ask for the B12 prescription hand it in at the chemist, book a date for the Injection , then pick up the medication on the day of the booked injection.

    This surely should all be automated with a simple text message to say your next injection is at  6th December 2019 at 10am or what ever.

  • Things often don't run smoothly.  Have they told you that you should have a PSA test before each injection?  I am not sure if everyone does this but worth asking.  I used to have mine about a week before so that the result was there by the time I had the next injection.  Think you will have to treat these as you do your B12 injections - though you should be able to book the next one at the time you have the current injection - this is what happened with me.

    Hope everything goes well and you don't have too many problems.

    Take care,



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Hello Des , no they did not tell me that a PSA test should be done before each injection { I will be on to that } I have an appointment at my GP on the 8th of November , I got a  copy of the letter sent to my GP from the Urology Unit and I asked to be kept on the same HT Drug as the GP has a choice of 3 to carry one with, I also suggested more ECG`s do to the nature of the HT affecting the QT interval of the Heart { I have a letter explaining this from a Cardiologist } , like I said before when first joining my present GP after being in Hospital for 5 weeks with Pancreatis in 2016 ,  things were bad as regards repeat prescriptions , I also hope to get a time for RT [ starting in December ] which means I can miss the rush hour traffic.

    We get free parking at the allotted spot within the Hospital grounds via a entrance code for the barrier.

    Going back to the B12 no we do not get an appointment booked for the 3 month follow up , and that`s not rocket science Airplane

    Thanks Des & every one who replies with help and advise , btw Des just got a cracking video camera for my bike @ a  good price so easy to use and can go 5 or 10 meters under water , 4 hours recording , well made, but the going under water will only apply to me if on a frosty morning I manage to fall or slide on ice [ intut local canal like tha nose ] < Lancashire accent Slight smile

    ? should I do some videos and link them into here , I keep the vids of near misses by cars / wagons Disappointed

  • I would ask about the PSA test prior to the injections - maybe they don't do one every time but would have hoped they do one at some time.  You really sound like you are on top of things so good luck and hope it all goes to plan.  Good that you get free parking.  In Wales all parking at hospitals is free now - as a Yorkshireman that suits me fine.  There never seems to be enough of it though that's the p[roblem.  At our local hospital we always try and get an early morning appointment so that we can get there and find a parking space.  Get there at 8 and sit and have a coffee.

    What happened at my HT injections was that the nurse herself booked the next appointment - had I asked at the desk they would have said something like they only book 1 month ahead - had to remember that when I booked my PSA test as for some reasons he didn't book that just told me to book it about a week before.  So * made note on the calendar to book it.

    I want to see you cycling underwater!  Yes do post the videos.  Would love to have a quick look.

    Take care.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Hello Des and every one , I see my GP on the  8th Nov and will ask about them doing the PSA every 3 months , I`am also going to  ask for regular ECG as well  , because of the prolonged QT Interval the HT can cause ,  felt really bad today with nausea and loss of appetite

    This is like my Bike.