Zoladex in jection

  • 6 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Hi having Finnishd my radiotherapy end of March everything was fine a few hot sweats a few aches then at the end may things started going wrong more sweats & leg pains now the sweats are worse with feeling sick bad leg knees & hip aches & pins& needles in hands I loved walking but now find it hard work more so walking up steps & hills  also my moods have changed not for better I'm not living the life  I had before zoladex radiotherapy wasn't a cure for me sometimes wonder if I still want the jab although I know I need it dose any one have the same problems if so how do you cope 

  • I was on prostrap 3.  Never had severe problems fairly mild sweats but that was pretty much all.  Continued to exercise all the way through Radiotherapy so think that helped me avoid putting on weight, mood swings, and getting over fatigued.  No way you can exercise as you are.  Have you told your GP and/or consultant? Do you get your injection from the GP or consultant in hospital?  Maybe it is worth asking if you can change to a different HT which may not give you the same side effects or if they did would give them to a lesser degree.  How long are you to continue on HT?

    Hope your Docs can sort something out for you.

    All the best,


  • Hi des thanks for reply I will Finnish the zoladex in Sept 2021 I like you was exercising through the 7 weeks of radiotherapy not in gym but walking  gardening & working on house then a long walk from hythe to folkestone and back I LIVE KENT   I was told zoladex  is the best injection to have I was just wondering if any one felt to same & if it improved thanks again 

  • My brother in law had advanced prostate cancer and was on zoladex and he didn't get on with it at all and had to stop it.  Thpough his cancer symptoms were bad anyway and he had heart problems before chemo etc.

  • Hi freefaller thanks for the reply mine is what they call advanced  too in the prostate and a pelvic neod.They treated the prostate  but the     neod was to close to the bowle to treat  that's why on zoldex till 2021 lm hoping things will calm down  I think you worry about changing in case the other ones as bad thanks again

  • I too have advanced prostate ca. Had radical prostectomy, followed by chemo and Radiotherapy. I’m in the 3rd cycle of Zoladex. First month was ok but subsequent time/us absolutely nightmare. Sweating all the time , hot flushes , can’t sleep. I’m going to see my doctor to see if there is an alternative.

  • Hi farid thanks for reply started mine last October started to go down hill about June it takes your life away should see if I can change mine but you worry the next one might be worse hope it goes well with you thanks again for reply
