
  • 2 replies
  • 107 subscribers

My usual pharmacy, and others locally, cannot get supplies of cyproterone which I need for my prostate cancer, citing ‘production problems’.

Does does anyone have any information about the shortage, and whether the medication will be become available again?

Im worried.

  • Have you got a packet with the information leaflet?  If you have find the producer or licence holder in the UK which should either be on the packet or the leaflet and contact them.  These days there is usually an e mail address so use this.  My wife found it hard to get her tablets a short while back and contacted the makers like this and apparently it was a stock problem but they were still stocking hospital pharmacies so just needed her hospital consultant to write a prescription.  We have also found recently that we have had to traipse around a few pharmacies as it seems soe of them are "stick piling" medicines because of the fear that brexit may affect supply - so always worth trying that as well.  Get on and ring round the pharmacies in your area to see if any of them have this medication.

    All the best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller


    Thanks for that info.

    I seem to have visited all the local pharmacies, including large Tesco and Boots branches!

    A friend has even been to many pharmacies in Alexandria, in Egypt, without success. They are also blaming production problems.

    But your suggestion of contacting the producer/licence holder is a good one, so I’ll go down that avenue next.

    Many thanks once again.