Hot Flushes

  • 7 replies
  • 109 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed 14 months ago & after biopsy’s & scans had radiotherapy which finished last November. He also started Prostap Injections x 3 monthly. He is finding the hot flushes unbearable & debilitating. He was advised to try sage tablets by the specialist nurse & has been on them 16 days with no benefit so far. Has any one got any suggestions please.


  • Evening primrose 1000mg once a day and 285mg Sage leaf twice a day seems good.  Will take a good few weeks to work.  Other than that do exactly the same things menopausal women do wear layers so that you can take layers off when the hot flushes strike.  carry a cooling spray with you £1.00 from B&M.  Sleep under sheets and blankets or throws so that layers can easily be removed.  Cooling pillows can be bought from Boots I believe and this seems to help some people.  Apparently my wife heard about this at the last meeting of the prostate cancer group at our local Maggies Centre.  Once the HT is finished it will take 9 months to a year for the hot flushes to go but they will decrease over that time - I no longer get them but my poor wife has been getting them for 8 years since she was 51 and may never stop at least when HT is finished these will slowly vanish.

    You can get prescription medication to help with this so if the Evening Primrose and Sage Leaf do not work within a month to 6 weeks then go to your GP and ask about this.

    All the best and let us know how you get on.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Do you have a holistic centre? My CNS referred me to the holistic unit which operates in my local hospital, to seek help for my hot flushes. I attend weekly for Auricular Acupuncture. 

    I found the first session very helpful. I have no idea if it was pure coincidence, or that I’m open to suggestion, or it actually works, but whatever, it helped me. Over time my hot flushes have changed with my treatments, and whilst it didn’t cure my hot flushes, for me, it does help.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for the information Chris , I was given a Holistic booklet , I will read it , but at the moment I`am fed up and annoyed at the lack of response to emails and letters wrote to the Eurology department and Consultant , from the letter I received giving me ? options for treatment , there was no options other than Have the treatment or do not have the treatment , the letter I received was also very in accurate on my previous medical history , I cannot make a decision based on this document due to past heart conditions and I found this concerning that matter.

    Androgen deprivation therapy , which is Hormone treatment

     Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) has been the mainstay of treatment for advanced prostate cancer for decades, and has  been shown to control disease and improve symptoms. In addition, for men with high-risk localized or locally advanced  prostate cancer, short-course ADT in combination with radiotherapy improves survival. There is evidence that ADT increases  cardiovascular risk, particularly in men with preexisting cardiovascular disease. This increased risk may apply even with  short-course ADT. In an individual patient, the benefits of ADT should be balanced against the risk, and patients who  require ADT should have risk factors for cardiovascular disease optimized. There is some evidence to suggest that more  contemporary methods of delivering ADT may reduce cardiovascular risk.

  • if it works it works doesn't matter how.

  • Hi

    I to have this side effect, asked my oncologist about it, they told me a drug called Provera proberly has a medical name but that’s what it says on the box, 

    Ask your doctor it’s only on prescription it does work.

    take care
