• 14 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hello All,

Today is the day.  I have my new knee this afternoon.  Just having a lovely breakfast and then I will be on my way.  Probably will not be posting now until I am home again on Saturday (hopefully).  Not looking forward to hobbling around to go to the loo tonight although with nothing to drink from 1200 I will probably not do much of that so may have a good night for once.

Take care everyone and speak again when I am through with this old knee of mine.

Take care and keep exercising those old limbs!


  • All the best Des, I'm sure that you will feel like a new man after the op......well perhaps not straight away.

    Remember, keep those limbs moving

    Best wishes


  • Good luck Des!

    Very best wishes,


    Hoping for personal growth and a return to full health
  • Thanks for all your good wishes.

  • Had my left knee done in 2015 (wear & tear through rugby). My advice is really push the physio, They will have you up within 24hrs of op, and you should hopefully be out of hospital within 4 - 5 days, and fully recovered in about 6 weeks. They will give you exercises to do at home and advise going out walking asap - all help with recovery time

    Good luck


    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Yes going to push the physio.  I played all sports as was a Physical Training Instructor and then a parachute jumping Instructor for 37 years in the Royal Air Force so know to do the physio.  I was hoping to have a morning slot so that I could get out of bed this afternoon and do a little bit of walking or at least sit up.

    Will have physio in hospital 3 times a day or more they say and then have to visit every week for 6 weeks.  Will then go back to the gym and do some work.  I have a cycle and treadmill in the garage.  Got them when I had my hip done just over 9 years ago as no where level to walk where we used to live - all hills so treadmill helped in the first weeks when I couldn't get in the car easily.  Looking forward to getting over those first few weeks.  My wife has got all sorts of ice packs in to help with the swelling which I am told I will definitely have so will make good use of those.  Can't wait.

    Take care and keep moving.


  • I, too, was in the Royal Air Force (1970 - 1993) working on fast jets (Phantoms, Tornado's, and the not-so-fast Canberra's)

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • A new you! Mine was done 14 years ago and no problems since. It has been well used too. Keep up the physio exercises! All the best for your recovery. Looking forward to your next post. John 

  • Hello,

    I am Sian his wife.  All well.  Eating within an hour of ioperation only problem was that because of the epidural he wet himself early this morning as couldn't feel a thing "down below".  Then when he wanted to pass urine again he couldn't and had to strain and was worried this would make his AFib kick in.  Don't believe it has.  He was worried he would have to have a catheter fitted as this is a bit iffy with someone with his other problems.  At the moment no other painkillers as epidural still holding pain at bay.  When I rang at 7 he was wondering which would come first his breakfast or physio as he wanted to make sure he had a bowel movement before physio started as he might do something else as well!  Oh the joys of having bladder and bowel problems.  Don't know if he has mentioned but he had part of his sphincter muscle removed about 14 years ago so has had problems on and off which he was worried the prostate cancer treatment would make worse.  It may have worsened things a little bit but not too much.  Here's hoping nothing untoward happens with the physio and the nurses are still talking to him when I get there.

    Thanks for all your good wishes we really do appreciate them.


  • Hello All,

    On Wednesday it will be 3 weeks post my Total Knee Replacement (TKR)  The first week was really very painful just breathing really.  doped up on painkillers and just about managing to do the exercises.  Things started to turn around coming up to the one week mark but then bruising came out pretty much on the back and inside of my leg from my ankle to my groin so although not having as much pain was finding it difficult to lie and sit on the bruising!  The outside of my leg only had a bruise at the top which was an odd shape making me think that it had been clamped?  I have since been told by a theatre nurse who lives nearby that they either hold the ankle down or even put a "sandbag" on it (WOW) to keep it in place during the op!  Don't remember seeing that on that TV programme last year!  Anyway, went to see nurse and physio a week ago today and physio impressed how well I am walking.  Had the clips out but needed 3 steri strips where the wound hadn't quite healed well enough and only one clip site bled a very small amount.  So still have a light dressing on.  Wife says she is going to take that off today as in a week everything should have healed up.  Bruising is still very bad and uncomfortable.  Can't take anti-inflamatories due to heart problems so physio suggested I put my leg up above hip level to help all the old blood drain - hmm that's a good one and causes a little more discomfort, and to use a hotwater bottle under my knee to help the process.  Going again a week tomorrow to see the physio.  At the moment one of the mandatory exercises is getting even more painful to do - everything else I can do really well bar this one exercise - though a week ago I was able to do it so am supposing it is the bruising and healing which is causing my leg to stiffen and causes the pain.  Got to keep on doing the exercises.  Almost out of oramorph and not sure I want another bottle but considering asking the GP for another small bottle just to take a dose at night time to ensure I get some sleep.  Will see Have probably got another few doses left.  It could be that once the dressing and steri strips are off things will be easier. 

    Hope you are all well and enjoying life.
