I am 58 years old and was diagnosed in February with PC PSA was 15 and MRI was Pi Rad 4 Gleason 3+4 was initially informed that the cancer was confined to the capsule i opted for surgery to remove prostate ,post surgery biopsy on the prostate showed that the capsule had actually been breached was a bit of a shock (this is worrying as don't know if any has spread ) ,PSA was 0.1 ,i have been offered radiotherapy ,but as only had surgery 6 weeks ago i still have incontinence to get over and would rather wait until i get this under control first ,before any further treatment ,just wondering if anyone has had similar journey and could offer any advice thanks for reading
Hi Billy, sorry to hear of your situation
I had RT so can't help u that much, hopefully someone will post who has been thru the same scenario.
I agree with your thoughts , have a breather to get back on track.
One way forward would be to monitor the psa over the next few weeks, if it does start moving upwards then at that point u should probably go ahead with the RT, u don't want to risk the cancer spreading. Psa of .1 is low but ideally should be lower really after surgery. When was the surgery and when was the psa done?
Just my thoughts, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
From my own experience of surgery, PSA after 6 weeks seems a little early to make any judgment on. My first was 3 months.
PSA after surgery should be undetectable, I.e. less than 0.01. 0.1 is too high.
It may still fall. If it doesn't become undetectable, then you may need further treatment.
If it does become undetectable then appears again, later, that's another matter.
Don't feel you have to rush this. Gleason 3 + 4 is not high risk and if scans showed you had no lymp node or bone spread, you can be OK for some time. This does depend however on how fast and high PSA rises, if it does So they will keep an eye on this.
It's scary I know and you don't want more damaging treatment unti you've had some chance to recover from surgery. I'm sure the health professionals will be aware of this.
Uroboros some centres only test PSA to 1 decimal place, my centre is one of them.
As long as the test shows <0.1 that is regarded as undetectable. I wish my centre had measured to 2 decimal places as my reading went from <0.1 to 0.3 in three months so a trend might have been spotted earlier.
Billy, have a look at my profile. I’ve had surgery, hormone therapy and salvage radiotherapy. My cancer had also breeched the capsule and a second more aggressive type of cancer was found which makes my prognosis worse.
Thank you for the information as you say i will keep an eye on it and hopefully nothing progresses
Hi Billy,
What are the details of the positive surgical margin stated on the pathology report?
Is it unifocal (meaning a single positive margin, single area breach), or is it multifocal? What is the length of the positive surgical margin(s)?
Maybe It is a single area (unifocal) which is less than 3 mm?
If possible, please share the full content of the pathology report.
hi Okan
I do not have the full details of the pathology report ,i am back at the consultant over the next 2 weeks and will ask for copy of the information and update you
good to have people like you you have the knowledge as yo can appreciate was a bit stunned when told it had breached
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