From MRI ... to Biopsy .... to Treatment

  • 26 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi there all, 

Firstly let me say i'm not exactly new to these discussions, but i am new to this particular type of discussion.

I am usually to be found over on the "Head & Neck" group handing out support, my truthful and in depth experience from diagnosis right through to recovery, and just answering general questions to anyone that needs or wants any clarification on a personal ( not medical ) level.

Having been through Chemo and Radiation for full on Nasopharyngeal Cancer in March 2017, through to end treatment in Sept 2017, and on to virtual recovery July last, i hoped i was "out of the trees" so to speak, but it now appears that may not be the case.

Still under the hospital for regular lymph and throat oncology checks, and everything in that area has been fine and clear to date, and still is..... However, about four to six months ago i started to find i was taking slightly longer to pass urine, along with the fact it could take a good few seconds to start a flow, and even then not a very strong one at that, i started to get very slight groin ache that would come and go also, along with the occasional back ache, but nothing that debilitated me or even lasted any amount of time, i could, and still do go days where i i have little to no symptoms, although the flow is still weak and it still takes time to start / stop weeing ( for want of a better description )

I'm sure this has all been said and covered on here many times over, so apologies if i'm ranting on and you're thinking " get to the point man " ...anyway .... I am a very young 59 years of age ( Ha Ha no really ! ) so made made an appointment to see my Doctor, had two PSA tests, the first a reading of 4.6 ... then just a couple of weeks ago  a second of 6.4 ....two internals, both times my doctors said slight enlargement but no nodules or hard areas, but given your past history let's do an MRI scan to ascertain if indeed their is need for further examination ..... had the scan Monday 17th, told today there is just enough in that scan to warrant a Biopsy to see whether there are indeed cancer cells and at what level.

I was given the choice of both types of biopsy, the Transrectal which is a probe type procedure under local anaesthetic, or the slightly less risk of infection ( and recommended in my case ) Transperineal, which is a needle inserted in the outer skin between the thighs and testicles into the prostate, this involves a slightly longer stay in hospital with general anaesthetic procedure, or so i've been told?

So ...Transperineal it is, I suppose what i'm asking here is has anyone else had this procedure, what is it like? .... if the outcome is indeed cancer, what are the treatments involved ? is it based on how severe the results are ? and if so ..... how are any of you fairing with the treatment and recovery and what are the prospects in the long term ? ...all incredibly hard to be accurate about i realise, as all our symptoms and treatments are probably individual based.

I cannot believe i may be facing a second battle so soon ( or maybe not ? i also realise that some results are benign )  but life is not a level playing field, and i understand there are many who are coping with an illness far greater than mine.

If anyone can reassure me or give me some info i would be most grateful, but i have always given, and only ask in return total honesty, I would always rather know the reality over the hopeful fantasy, no matter how harsh that can sound sometimes.

Thank you for taking the time to read this ...... 

For all those about to start, or going through treatment of any kind,  i wish you only the very best and a positive outcome.

Kind Regards


  • Hi Marcus, sorry to read about your cancer journey with nasopharyngeal cancer.

    I had a TRUS biopsy so cannot advise on the transperineal one.

    Did the MRI show that any suspicious areas were contained with the prostate?

    The biopsy will give you a Gleason score if cancer is found so you will have a better idea of what treatment is available. There are lots of options.

    if it is cancer and it is contained a prostatectomy may be your best option.

    Brachytherapy with or without external beam radiotherapy alongside hormone therapy are also options.

    I am crossing everything that you don’t have prostate cancer.

    But if it is there are plenty options.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Marcus

    With a low psa and inconclusive MRI it could turn out to be nothing or possibly a low grade cancer at worst.

    I had a Truss biopsy, in a way the Perineal is easier for you because u r under a general anisthetic, they end up with more sample cores with this procedure.

    When u get biopsy results u can then decide what to do, probably surgery, Radiotherapy or active surveillance.

    Let us know when u get the biopsy results and we can give u more advice. Obviously if u have any questions about any aspect of diagnosis or treatment please post on here.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Marcus!  Sorry to hear your all too familiar story. 

    I previously went through a Transperineal biopsy.  It was ok and virtually pain free. It apparently gave a more accurate Gleason score than the blood test. 

    From the biopsy results they will be able to offer you several options going forward. 

    I wish you the best of luck. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Thank you guys, I really do appreciate it.

    i am just getting over Nasopharyngeal Cancer and finally 99% back to normal, the thought of more hospital visit's, possible surgery, Radiation, Chemo even, is an absolute nightmare to me, yes, i know prostate treatment is very different to what i had to go through with head and neck etc: ..... but just the thought of "here we go again" was / is terrifying me to be honest, the previous treatment was so harsh, and the recovery so long, i have a mental memory of nothing but a very intense and painful struggle, and i'm not a man to complain or bluster.

    Have always prided myself on being a bit old school, and i say this not to brag or boast, but simply to explain..... I climbed mountains, sailed seas, trekked deserts, could, and can fix most things, worked hard for myself for 35 years, provided for my family, have many diverse interests and truly great friends, but the Nasopharyngeal Cancer bought me to my knee's, and i don't mind admitting there were tears occasionally, not out of self pity, but from the sheer frustration of suddenly not being able to look after myself or family and being reduced to a totally dependent human being at the mercy of science and medicine. 

    I must add my hospital team, family, friends, and the NHS as a whole were brilliant in every way, and i know others are not so lucky, it really is sadly a postcode lottery i believe, but as a underfunded, beleaguered institution it does wonders on very little most of the time, but that's another debate altogether ......

    I'm tired, i'm exhausted, and as i say I'm only just coming out the other side of a horrendous two years ..... so if i seem a little "poor me" i am truly sorry, that's not who i am at all, and even as i write this i'm telling myself it could all be the fear of fear itself ! ....I understand it may be nothing at all, or even low level, and even if it is something, that something is eminently treatable with the progress that has been made in recent years concerning men's prostate treatment....... but try as i might, what i went through is all so fresh, all so vivid, all so bloody real ! forgive me for being a little negative, I'm just trying to get my head around it all again.

    Thanking you all again, any thoughts or similar experiences welcome.


  • Marcus

    I know that u don't really want to do any of this because of what  u have  been thru but try and find out a bit more about what the MRI report actually says.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Yes .... I did that, the consultant just said there is enough on the MRI to warrant further investigation, until the biopsy results are in it would be prudent to not elaborate. 

    Basically ...Doctor Speak ! 

  • Hi Marcus

    When u get the biopsy result ask for a copy of the MRI report, there is no good reason why they can't give u this

    I know that u don't want be bothered with this but it is is important. I made sure that I got  copies of all my MRI reports, the consultant's never gave me the info that the reports did, like it's only 4mm in size



  • Well that can be a good thing really.  Before my MRI we all thought I could either go on active surveillance and or have a prostatectomy.  After the MRI neither of these were options as the tumour was pressing on the capsule and ht and radiotherapy were thought better for this - and so far that has been right nearly 3 years after completing my radiotherapy and PSA undetectable.  Thing was I had my MRI after the biopsy which is the wrong way around as a gleason 7 (3+4) and a PSA of 12 ish with only a slow rise over many years with my age - 72 at the time of diagnosis would point to,  Now had the MRI been done first then we would have known that neither of these were really an option.  You will find through your journey that the waiting for scans and tests and results is the worst part.  Just try and keep in mind that a couple of weeks waiting is not usually going to make a huge difference to the results or the treatment offered.  It is just very hard to keep yourself from thinking the worst in all the waiting time I know.

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    That is very true Des,

    Because i have only just (more or less ) come out the other side from Nasopharyngeal Cancer, the thought of more Radiation, Chemo, Operation, was just too much to bare so soon.

    I've just had my letter back from the consultant that first saw me, two PSA readings, two internal fingers up the bum ! ( no other way to say it really ) and an MRI scan and this is the reply ....

    "Mr Robbins PSA level came back at 6.6ng/dl, I therefore arranged an MRI scan and this came back as suspicious, Patient advised need for Biopsy to investigate further, discussed this and patient opted for Transperineal biopsy under general anaesthetic"

    So that's where i am at this point, suspicious could mean a whole number of things i know, but probably is going to be something i'm guessing, just don't want full removable if possible, don't want anything to be honest, who does ? but we shall see .......


    Mark R. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Mark!  I had been in a similar position to you but with a higher PSA and dangerous Gleason scores. 

    The PSA scores always confused me as others had a much higher number but not my complications. 

    So I had the biopsy which confirmed the high Gleason scores and together with MRI the location. The location of mine was bad so I basically had to have the Op. 

    Hopefully yours will be less drastic and far more options open to you. The removal would be the last resort. So don't worry and cross one bridge at a time. 

    Good luck