Cancelled appointment

  • 22 replies
  • 109 subscribers

I was diagnosed in Aug 2018 and chose active surveillance.

My next appointment at my local hospital's urology dept was in Nov 2018. It was a 5 - 10 min discussion.

My next appointment,for a second lot of biopsies,was supposed to be 24th of this month,a date that has filled me with anxiety and trepidation,but I am eager to discover whether or not the cancer has changed or grown.

I got a letter this morning,the 18th,informing me my appointment has now been cancelled! They will contact me to let me know the new date. 

This doesn't inspire confidence in me. Is this normal practice?

Is this normal? They didn't give a reason.

  • Hi Lennie and welcome

    I don't think that it happens that often but emergencies/staff problems must crop up.

    Actually they did cancel my template biopsy some years ago but gave me more notice

    In the end I decided I would not go thru with it at a later date, because of concerns I had at the time. So they did me a favour.

    What brings u to this stage?  What was the psa and hopefully u have had a .MRI, what did that show.



  • Also u talked about a second lot of biopsies, have u already had one lot?

  • Hello LennieGeorge, sorry to read about your cancelled appointments.

    What were the results of your initial biopsy and MRI?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4


    Thanks for replying. 

    My results were, PSA was 8. They took 10 biopsies and only 1 was affected. The MRI was inconclusive,so all in all could be a lot worse. 

    However,things change over time and I have waited a year so would really like to know if that's changed. But also,I have been suffering from depression for almost 30 years and am struggling on "down days" to understand what is going on and could really do with some feedback,one way or another. I often feel very alone. All this is so new to me.

  • Hi Lennie

    So things don't look too bad at all, low psa, MRI inconclusive.

    Because you would not be treated as urgent that's probably why they cancelled the biopsy, something more urgent came up, obviously no good for you though as u just want to get it over with.

    Chase them up to get a new booking.

    Yes depression and cancer don't sit well together, I suffer from low mood  and my feeling is that  the cancer and subsequent treatment has made it worse 

    For u though , if the biopsy finds anything I am sure that it will end up being a low key affair and therefore easily treatable and curable.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Thanks Steve,that really means an awful lot to me. I am a worrier by nature and know nothing at all about such things. That's the most encouraging thing I have heard since this diagnosis. I really don't mean to be insensitive to other sufferers but for me,hearing the words that I've tested positive to cancer has been something of a revelation. I worry constantly.

  • Lennie

    Just taking another look at your profile and u refer to this biopsy being a second lot. Have u already had a biopsy, when and what was the result??


  • Sorry Lennie, I'm getting confused, which is nothing unusual.

    See that u had a biopsy earlier , were u given a Gleeson score?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Yes Steve,I had biopsies,MRI and examination in July last year. The result was that the cancer was small and un-aggressive,but that was all. To someone like me,with no knowledge of such things,that can mean anything. I still have no idea of what any of this means. In August last year I want to see a specialist. He sauntered into the room,said,"you've been diagnosed with prostate cancer",reeled off the 4 choices of treatment and their side-effects,then said,"which do you choose"! I took the,to me,obvious choice,active surveillance and left. I have had no contact from them,gp,or anyone since and am totally in the dark. I don't know anything like the potential of what could happen to me or how my future is predicted to pan out etc and feel lost. Only what I've learned online,which is how I ended up here. I received my new appointment this morning. It's for September 30th which will be 14 months since my first biopsies. I was always led to believe that cancer was best caught and treated early,I'm confused and worried.

    Thank you for your interest.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    No Steve,I haven't been given a Gleeson score,which is another of my worries. 

    It could well be that I have a minor case,I just don't know???