Xtandi (enzalutamide)

  • 13 replies
  • 109 subscribers


I will be 73 in a few weeks. For details of my unwanted journey with PC please see my profile. 

I have been just been classed as a chemotherapy-naive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patient. My oncologist has offered me the option of treatment with Xtandi (enzalutamide) as it is cheaper than Abiraterone. 

I wonder if anyone in the community would like to share their experience with enzalutamide or Abiraterone with regard to effectiveness and side effects.

Thanking you in advance.


  • Hi

    Although I don't have experience with these drugs to share with you I noticed that your post had gone unanswered. By replying it will bump it back to the top of the page where it might be seen by someone who does.

    You could also use the search facility in this group to look for previous posts discussing the use of these drugs. I typed in the two names separately and found quite a few recent posts discussing them. You could do the same and have a read of the ones that you feel are relevant. 

    Wishing you all the best with your ongoing treatment.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I don’t have any experience with either of these drugs Hobbit.

    Hopefully someone will answer on their experiences.

    It might be worth asking this question on the PCUK community as there are a few who have been on these drugs.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Hobbit

    Although I an not on either of these drugs yet ! I have seen many posts about these drugs, the best being aberaterone which has proved to be very good, the othe is a cheaper version and does work but there seems to be more side effects with this one.

    hope that helps


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook,

    Thanks very much for your help. I will take your advice and do a seach myself.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Thanks Ido4. I will try PCUK community.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Hi Joeven,

    I was not given a choice but it would be a difficult one for a novice like to decide anyway.

    A few weeks ago Prostate Cancer News Today published the following articles :-

    Xtandi Extends Time to Disease Worsening in Certain Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients – Without Added Side Effects – Study Shows
    Xtandi Better, Cheaper than Zytiga for Treatment of mCRPC, Study Suggests

    It is difficult to say which is better Xtandi ( Enzalutamide ) or Zytiga ( Abiraterone ).

    For a start, Enzalutamide works by blocking testosterone from reaching prostate cancer cells while Abiraterone works by blocking cytochrome p17 and stops your body from making testosterone. 

    I think our cancers ( caused by genetic mutations ) are all different and therefore our responses to different drugs will be different too. I don't think there is a clear cut proof that one is better than the other. That is why they used words like - study shows and study suggests .

    My main objective of posting is to see how others are dealing with the side effects so I will be better prepared to deal with these as they arise.

    When I was on Bicalutamide , I dealt with fatigue by taking the drug before I went to bed and I never had any problems with fatigue. I will probably do the same with Enzalutamide if ok to do so.

    Thanks very much for replying. It is nice to know there are someone out there who care.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My husband has had both. He was diagnosed with PSA over a thousand and extensive mets. Chemo brought PSA down to 1.1  but unfortunately started to rise straight afterwards. Was offered Abi, Enzo or a trial. The trial was Abi and maybe a trial drug or placebo. Worked well for 4 months but then had very high (ALT over a thousand) liver readings so had to stop Abi. As this had been part of a trial (Nice won't fund both) was then able to go on Enzo which he is on now. Abi had to be taken on an empty stomach and also steroids. He felt well in himself all the time, Enzo is only 4 pills with or without food which he finds easier. He is again finding no real problems but PSA has now started to go up again after 6 months so we wait to see how long this will continue.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Hiitsme,

    Thanks very for taking your precious time in your difficult circumstances to tell me about your husband's experiences with both drugs. I appreciate this very much. I now feel a lot better with going ahead with Enzalutamide treatment. I think I will have a blood test to check if I will be campatible before starting.

    I am sorry to hear that his PSA is going up again after 6 months of Enzalutamide. In the last few years there are a lot of new treatments becoming available for trials. I am sure his oncologist will be able to find one which will help him. Please pass on my best wishes to your husband.

    You are a strong woman. I hope you will continue to stay strong for your husband.

    Many thanks

  • FormerMember

    Afternoon Hobbit123, I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with advanced Prostrate cancer which had spread into various areas of my bones, mainly hip spine ribs an shoulders, I have since had chemo an radiotherapy which worked ok, my oncologist then changed my medication an put me on Abereterone I have been on this now for 19 months I started my 19th cycle last week, side effects are tolerable I usually have a bad stomach for the first few days but thats about it other than being very tired, I usually do all my tasks in the morning as every afternoon I,m asleep by about 1pm. My PSA has dropped from 196 down to 1.5 I have to have blood tests every month for checks on my Liver and my Kidneys as this is a big side effect but so far so good, so if you get a choice I personally suggest the Aberetone I asked my Dr how long I could stay on them for an she,s confident that as long as my body continues to accept the drug she is happy to keep me on them, as for the spread of the cancer into my bones, they can never cure that but they are doing  a damn good job of controlling it, but whatever path you take just stay as positive as you possibly can. Feel free to ask any questions you want an I,ll answer as honestly as I can . Stay Happy.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Eddie,

    Thanks very much for sharing your experience with Abiraterone . Nineteen months and still going strong - you have done extremely well with the treatment. My oncologist told me that he has a patient who has been on it for 5 years but then he also said he has another patient who has been on Enzalutamide for 4 years. I am not sure if he is telling the truth or just to reassure me.

    I don't understand what you meant by cycle. Can you explain this to me. Is your treatment an intermittent one i.e you stop taking the drug when your PSA is down to a fix low reading and you restart taking the drug when your PSA has risen to a fix high level ? 

    I know that you have to take Abiraterone with an empty stomach, could you not try taking it at night before you go to sleep to see if that will help with your fatigue. I assume you will consult your oncologist before giving it a try. 

    I also noticed that you had chemo. I dread chemo as I think that I am too old and probably not strong enough to survive it. May I ask how old were you and were you very fit when you had it ?

    I like your motto of  "Stay Happy" and I believe this probably has contributed to your success with Abiraterone.

    Thanks again for your help. If I think of any more questions I will get back to you.