HIFU trying to get as much info as possible. any input appreciated

  • 14 replies
  • 110 subscribers

it is looking like I will require HIFU surgery in the next month.

Id like to here anyones story concerning the tretnent and the recovery.   anyone is welcome to tell your story. All input gretly appreciated

  • Hi Glasgow

    I refer to your other recent post ref the possibility of PC returned after Nanoknife, sorry to hear that  Hope the biopsy comes back negative.

    Do u know where the MRI is showing the suspicious area and the size?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hello steve

    All I have been told at this stage is that there are some suspicious signs on the edge of the glad right beside where the nanonife procedure was carried out. My nanonife procedure was carried out on one side of the prostrate only. 

    size I have no idea.    

    My post nanonife psa at 3 months was 1 it has now risen to 1.7. In 12 months.    It’s pretty likely that I have new cancer cells there.      

  • bu***r.  What a shame.  So sorry to hear that.

  • Glasgow

    If it's near the prostate capsule edge not sure if Hi Fu is the right option. Just in case some rogue cells had moved outside.

    I was going to suggest Radiotherapy, just not too sure if  that is possible after Nanoknife.

    It could be worth asking and considering  You obviously need the next treatment to do the job so important to get it right. In the meantime look on the bright side, biopsy may not find anything

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Grundo Steve 

    nice advise.   Yeah I obviously want to miss nothing this time.   I am not worried at this point as life feel 100% normal. Biopsy first then ask questions.    Cheers 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    PS.  As I understand it all treatment options remain open after nanonife.    

  • I assume that u had to fund Nanoknife as I don't think it is available on Nhs?

    So is the Hi Fu with the same hospital and are u again self funding?

    Sorry , just my suspicious mind working overtime.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    It has popped in my head a few times as I was told that the nanonife procedure would kill off all other cancer cells close by. Initially I was told I was not suitable to have it and then at my request I asked them to review that decision and low and behold I was well within their margins.     Hmmmm   Self funded but my insurance covers the specialists fees the anaesthetist fees but not the hospital nor procedure costs.   In total from me including travel and hotels it was around £15,000.     Worth it if it works.   But here I am again.   Perhaps back at ground zero.    Again cheers Steve 

  • Ok , so I'll just give my final thoughts and then shut up.

    As u have just said ,  why  has the PC   returned so close to original site where u had the Nanoknife, surely there must be some overlap?

    If ever there was a case for a second opinion this would be it, if all options are still open then RT may be better than Hi Fu.  Hi Fu is not really a mainstream treatment and not too many stats available.

    I know that u can't do much until after the biopsy so wait and see.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo


    Tomorrow Tuesday 4th June I get my new biopsy results.       Only then can I ask questions.