Post radical prostatectomy surgery

  • 2 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Good morning from South Bucks.  My husband had radical prostatectomy surgery last Wednesday.  Having had a few surgeries myself (not cancer related, but affecting the lower abdominal area), it seems like my husband is languishing vs recovering. Can any of you share what your typical recovery period was after surgery? My husband’s surgery was 6 days ago and he still seems to be very sensitive which I think makes him tense up, which in turn is making other parts of his body sore (back, neck, arms).

What did you find most helpful in terms of making progress/healing? What was least helpful? 

I think part part of the problem is that neither of us have any information on what to expect in terms of progress. I have a high pain tolerance and pushed myself to get up and get on with life after my surgeries but I know that recovery does not look the same for each person and I certainly have no concept of what prostrate surgery would feel like. 

Thank you you in advance for any feedback. Just want my sweetheart to feel better and it seems like he is struggling. 


  • Hi Laura and welcome

    You didn't say if your OH had open surgery or keyhole/robotic but either way I think that recovery  would be longer than six days 

    I didn't have surgery myself, I had RT, so I can't give u first hand experience but I am sure that others will post in due course.

    Judging from what I have read on here I would say a good couple of weeks  for recovery, open surgery  could be longer.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Recovery does depond on type of Op and how the procudure goes. Cant do a lot tbh until the catheter is out then its a slow progress