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Hi I'm 29 and my husbands full time carer he is 87 (yes I know there is an age gap but that doesn't matter to us). He has Advanced Prostate Cancer which has spread to his bones. He struggles with walking so if we do go out to hospital appointments we use the wheelchair. 
I don't drive yet I'm hoping to pass my test very soon, so we don't get out as much as we would like to but we have fabulous friends and neighbours who support us and my parents who have been fabulous I'd be lost without them I really would. 
Caring for someone you love with Cancer Is the hardest thing in the world to cope with, at the same time your trying to keep their spirits up it's soul destroying for you but you have to keep going because you love and adore that person and never want to let them down. 
I suffer with a long term illness myself Neuropathic Bladder Syndrome and Fibromyalgia so it can get tough sometimes well all the time but I find a way to cope because I love my Husband and want to do the best by him. We treasure every moment together and we laugh all the time. Life has it's ups and downs but we all find a way through for those we love.
  • Hi

    How did you two meet ? And how long has he had the cancer ? There are a few of us with Advanced prostate cancer me included, although I am 67 my wife to is my carer she is 54 so age means nothing to me.

    I have it in my bones as well, and know about the walking bit although my knees don't help, I've had it for three years and get tired and fatigued more and more, so I can imagine how you must feel watching some one decline, but if he's like me I laugh and try and play the odd prank on my wife anything to keep her from worrying about me.

    Your doing the best you can so good for you and let's hope he carries on battling being positive always helps and I am sure he is.

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven


    We met on Facebook and met and that was it we fell in love straight away. He'd had prostate cancer 10years before I'd met him but the pill they put him on called Bicalutamide worked wonders he said until about 2years ago and he was sent to the Cancer hospital in Sheffield and we saw a Professor who put him on a trial which was 4 tablets a day called Enzalutamide which worked wonders for a few months but at the end of last year they told us they'd stopped working and to stop taking them and they put him on a steroid tablet which is helping steady the PSA level but last time we where there they said it had started to creep up again and if it went to a worrying level they would have him in for scans (which I dread). He has stents in both Kidneys as he was blocked he has to have them changed every 6 months. 

    But now with the cancer in the bones it's making it difficult for him to walk without pain so he's in a wheelchair when we go to the hospital. I don't drive yet which is abit hard but we keep happy he was on the stage when he was younger so he's got a great sense of humour and we laugh every day :) 

    Thank you for sharing your story with me. 



  • Hi Amy

    He is battling very well, he is a bit like me I take well to medication, and I know what a stents like abosoloutly terrible, I never got any sleep finally got it took out, but kidney stones had me doubled over in pain horrible things.

    You have enough of a bottle with what you have, so looking after some one is a great credit to yourself, has he tried Aberaterone ? It works wonders with some people, there is also a drug for bone pain but with his age might not be safe.

    Take care
