Results after Radiotherapy treatment.

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  • 114 subscribers

I have now completed my Radiotherapy treatment just 4 weeks ago !

I have to wait for my results from my Oncologist expecting to hear in around 4 more weeks time.

I had a total of 37 sessions !

Iam worried and nervous about what news I shall receive.

  • Welcome Newmembet

    You don't give any stats ie psa at diagnosis, psa just before treatment, gleeson, was the tumour confined?

    In answer to your question, psa figures don't  mean much straight after RT has finished unlike with surgery.

    Psa should continue to fall for up to 2 years and beyond after treatment finishes.

    But if u were to have a psa say 8 weeks after treatment it should show a drop, by how much, impossible to say. But any drop is obviously welcome 

    It would also depend on whether u are on Hormone therapy as well


  • Sorry to sound ignorant, but PSA can be similar to the pre radiation even 3 months later? I'm due for the test mid June and as I've had a major scare with another cancer, it's already bothering me! I had 60 Gy in 20 fractions, previous PSA was 7.4 last July, Gleason was 7 = 3+4 graded Intermediate Favourable. Two cores on rhs showed cancer out of seven, six on lhs were OK. I am not on HT or chemo etc. The specialist said I would be 'fine,' but I am a bit sceptical about things after my previous scare. 

  • Wombles

    How come u started treatment with a psa of only 7.4?

    Was the tumour growing near the capsule edge or getting bigger.?

    With a psa of only 7.4 hopefully it will of come down a fair bit.

    To give u an idea I finished treatment  2 years ago and my psa is still reducing albeit more slowly now.

    I wouldn't worry to much about your first psa after treatment, It will be lower but don't forget that your second one will probably be lower still.



  • Hi Steve. They weren't too bothered about the 7.4, in fact it was referred to as 'normal.' Thr dre detected a growth, and it was localised. Nobody mentioned the term capsule edge or said it was getting bigger, in fact I think it was described as small. I'll have to read my notes again tomorrow! I hope the PSA is lower in June. I worry about test results, but at least they are usually given to me the same day. I'm 73 btw. 

  • Presumably u had s MRI to determine exact location?

    Just that u talked about ' Dre detected:.

    Don't worry, psa will be down not that it's got much to fall, you're nearly on normal anyway, I'LL take a guess at around 1 ish.


  • Thanks for your interest. No, I asked about an MRI but not offered. My PSA increased from 6.3 last April to 7.4 in July. Maybe that increase plus the nodule felt, led to the biopsy? The nodule was described as a right sided small pea-sized nodule. The biopsy report said perineural invasion not identified and no extraprostatic tissue identified. Tumour was unilateral, tissue involved 10%. Which to my limited knowledge sounds reasonable? 

    So it's now a matter of waiting until June for the next appt and a PSA test. I was mildly surprised that I didn't have one about October to see if the increase continued. But, I'm just a retired elderly man with too much time to think about my various ailments. At least the 5 year mark passed for the bowel cancer and I'm ok. Just a pity that this one arrived to take its place. Must not feel sorry for myself, it could be a lot worse! Thanks again. 


  • Hi John 

    I see that you are not in the UK, I presume they don't routinely offer MRI  where u are. It's a shame because u glean so much info from that scan.

    Anyway look forward to June and I am sure that the psa will be well down on pre treatment figure.

    Just looked thru your profile, u certainly have been through it. Hopefully now , light at the end of the tunnel.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Grundo.

    You seem to be very knowledgable so here goes

    I had my second 6 monthly consultation with oncologist nurse  on 1st May 2019

    Before treatment my psa went up from 1 to 4 with Gleeson of 7 and 9.

    After radiotherapy I was on three monthly injections but had nasty side effects and am now on bicalutamide daily and tamoxifen 2 tabs in seven days.

    My first 6 monthly consultation after treatment showed psa of 0.17 and latest psa  on 1st May 2019 is not detectable.

    Am told that my next consultation is in October and that treatment will finish in May 2020.

    Is the treatment finishing in may of 2020 on the assumption that if psa remains undetectable I am cured, or is two years post radiotherapy the end of treatment no matter the results?



  • Hi Biltong and welcome

    So how did this all start?  Psa went from 1 to 4 over what period of time?

    Did u have a MRI after this or was it straight for biopsy and them treatment?

    If the psa is undetectable now and you are on HT  for 1 more year then things are looking good and hopefully should stay that way.

    With PC it's much too early to say that u are cured in May 2020.

    At that stage , when the HT is over, psa has to be monitored to check that it doesn't start moving up again.

    I finished my treatment  2 years ago and at the moment my psa is still going down. I didn't have HT and my psa hasn't reached undetectable and might  never reach it.

    I realise that future psa test could show 

    an increase but   if  on the fifth anniversary   of treatment finishing   it is still low I  will probably breathe a sigh of relief .

    Any other questions please ask

    Best wishes


  • Hi Steve,

    Thanks for replying. Psa went from 1 to 4 in a one year period and I then I was sent for an MRI and full bone scan .No other symptoms.

    Then a 65 needle biopsy followed by insertion of beads into the prostrate, It was suggested at St Lukes Royal Surrey that brachetherapy was the solution, but as one of the cancers was near the outside of the prostrate this treatment was decided against., and instead I had 28 days of daily enemas and radiotherapy. On completion of the radiotherapy I was placed on three monthly injections, but this was discontinued because I developed heart attack symptoms and spent three days in A and E whilst they did all kind of tests before admitting that the anti testosterone injections was the cause.

    I am happy that my psa  could not be detected at my last consultation, but agree that telling me all would be well in May 2020 was a bit of wishful thinking without the results of a psa to be done in October 2019.

    I have hot flushes and  was on medication for that. However this medication has now been stopped and it has been suggested that I undertake 8 weeks of once a week acupuncture of the ears at Royal Surrey. I get fatigued , and have to do pelvic floor exercises to help with visits to the toilet. Mood swings are also a problem for my other half!!

