
  • 11 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi all 

So I have had my biopsy results which came back as 4+3

After talking with my consultant we decided the only way forward was surgery however because I had a gastric bypass back in 2011 and also have massive hernia she's told me the surgery is going to beDisappointed relievedxtremely difficult so I'm now bricking it she said surgery would take place in the next month Disappointed relieved

  • Hi Gaz

    If you have problems with surgery is Radiotherapy not an option?


  • Sorry, meant  fo ask  what is your Psa? What does the MRI show?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hi Steve 

    No it's not an option as if I go for that option and it doesn't work they can't operate after. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hi Steve 

    Psa was 9.76 MRI showed 3 areas of cancer 1 either side of my prostate and a bigger area at the base.

  • Hi Gaz

    Ok, I'll give u my thoughts about this but obviously doesn't mean that I am right.  If they are saying that it would be a difficult surgery to perform because of what has happened to u before you could possibly have more problems with side effects and then if you have RT after that there is the potential for more side effects.

    If you have 3 areas of cancer in the prostate then you don't know how near the prostate periphery the cancer cells are. At least with RT hopefully you can mop up any possible  cancer cells in the prostate bed. 

    In my mind It would be mainly about quality of life but I am sure that there will be others that disagree with my comments.

    I took the risk of having RT first  and obviously can't now have surgery (only with great difficulty}.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Gaz,

    I'm agreeing with Steve about radiotherapy.  One thing to consider is that when they open you up for the operation, they very often find the cancer has spread further than originally believed.  So you may find it is breaking out of the prostate capsule or invading the seminal vesicles or possibly other tissue and organs.  Then the chances of success of the op go down.  Plus, the more they remove the more nerves are taken which in turn means erectile dysfunction and possibly incontinence.  As you say they cannot offer an op after radiotherapy as the prostate is turned to mush.  

    Radiotherapy is as effective as an op with very similar outcomes - roughly 33% fail.  There are other treatments after failed radiotherapy including chemo.  I would want to speak to another member of your team before deciding as surgeons will want to push you towards the op.  Its a big decision so take your time and weigh it all up.

    All the best.  

  • 'Radiation Therapy 95% Effective for Prostate Cancer. ... Men with localised prostate cancer who are treated with external-beam radiation therapy have a cure rate of 95.5% for intermediate-risk prostate cancer and 91.3% for high-risk prostate cancer. The 5-year survival rate using this treatment is 98.8% overall.'

    I latch on to statements I find like this one. My consultant dismissed surgery as soon as I mentioned it so I had 20 Gy over 4 weeks. 

  • Wombles

    I have never seen success rates for RT being that high.

    As SD previously said surgery & RT about same success rate of roughly 70% ish.


  • 'The 5-year survival rate for most men with local or regional prostate cancer is nearly 100%. Ninety-eight percent (98%) are alive after 10 years. For men diagnosed with prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, the 5-year survival rate is 30%.'

    I suppose if you Google long enough and are selective in what you believe, you can feel quite happy about your chances. But, who knows? I try to live in the present, but my mind wanders sometimes. Unfortunately, I'm a worrier as I've had a major scare with another cancer. Some councelling did help a bit. 

  • Well, that's good news for me Wombles, looks like I don't need to worry anymore about my PC returning.