Chemotherapy Allergic Reaction

  • 3 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Has anyone here ever had an allergic reaction to chemo whilst having it infused? My dad had his second lot of chemo today (no issues the first time round) but 20 mins in his blood pressure shot up and he felt like he was going to pass out. The doctors and nurses were great, gave him some antihistamine and a whole range of other drugs but it's shaken him up. Guess we were lulled into a false sense of security as the first round seemed to go so well.


  • Yep. My other half had intolerance on first docetaxel within 7 mins..never been so scared in our life. But they stopped everyone caught their breathe and gave as much drugs to counteract and restared over 4 hours. And everyone after did over 4 hours and went fine. 

    life is like a patio door, you never know which side is open and you walk into the glass

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mobility

    Thank you Mobility. I was worried that he might not be able to continue treatment in the future so I'm relieved to hear that they continued with the plan...just over a longer period of time! 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Michelle- I was okay on first infusion and had to stop within 5 minutes on second. I received solu cortef and Dramamine and felt better so restarted Docetaxel within the hour. We move on- Jada