Nanoknife (IRE) prostate cancer

  • 48 replies
  • 115 subscribers


I am looking for folks that chose nanoknife as their treatment and are willing to share their experiences. What were your side effects? How long have you done the treatment? 
Thank you
  • Hi Glasgow, I am very interested in knowing about the results the IRE procedure you have had, now after several years.Have you had reoccurring cancer? Thank you

  • Hi Pete,

    I am contemplating IRE real soon.I would appreciate if you would inform me about the outcome iof your IRE after 5 years.or however  many years ago you had the IRE. Any reoccurring tumor(s)?

    Thank you

  • Hi, Had I RE 4 and half years ago in Germany- ( Gleason 8)- in Offenbach.Generally v.pleased with outcome,

       On return    Had psa monitoring- 3monthly then 6 monthly.Has been gradual rise but still now under 4.Recent scan showed  " possible " recurrence in different area to original,- nothing  certain,so just watching PSA  readings carefully.


  • To Fox1

    Hello and thank you much, for your reply and hope that you keep the disease under control. 

    I just had the IRE two days ago. On my 3+4+7  Gleason score.7 x 5 x 9mm, tumor on one side of  the gland .

    Doctors said it went well.

    I would like to ask you a question, solely for the possible ,beneficial knowledge. 

    Did you make any eating habit changes,or added  activities since the day  you where diagnosed   ?

  • Hello Foxy1, I hope you are feeling good and got it under control.My psà at time of IRE was 4.0. Checed  after 6 week post IRE was 1.44 (on the 0 to 4.4 scale)., about a 62% drop.No incontinence, and ED did not get worst. Doctor said a 50% psa drop is a good indication. Well ,I guess I am good for now  and   hopefully forever..I have not ate, chicken, eggs or red meat for 19 months. I am still looking over my shouler, for probanle cause.All of them are female animal products (cows   hens. milk,etc) and I believe messes up older guys estrogen balance..Now, now will tell.


  • Hi,Pleased that things seem to have gone quite well for you.Ididnt change much in eating habits,dont have grapefruit much now ,which I used to like,and eat lean meats,though occasional red meat- steak.

         You can google ,if you havent already,foods not

     recommended for PC.

         Still do fitness activity- gym ,Tennis,cycle,- though from lifetime of sports / fitness, have  left knee arthritis,shoulder problems  and hand arthritis, but am still doing above activities.

         Am 78 this year, and,hope to continue yet awhile!

    Tubigrip strapping is helping hold everything togèther.

        Psa  monitored 6 monthly now,after I said I wanted 3 monthly initially,and level is fairly stable at just under4 though may be a suspicion of recurrence on right side( all on left initially), so we are watching it carefully.

         Certainly  there are a percentage of recurrances from Nanoknife, but I am generally happy with procedure., which did unfortunately necessitate eliminating  one of the 2 nerve bundles,for which a minute tablet every day  ,helps to compensate some ED.

         Anyway,hope everything keeps going well for you.


  • Hello Jay, How did the Nanonife procedure do long term? I had it 13 months ago, but my PSA has been rising. I know I have to get a biopsy. soon.But I am wondering if SBRT would be my next move..I don't really want another Nanonife.

    • Iguess my question to everyone that had to get Radiation Therapy treatment after the Nanonife is, how much worse did their Quality of Life get?
  • Hello  .

    I am not sure how many responses you are going to get to your specific question but I have linked in the results from the latest analysis of IRE and recurrence plus the treatment options but what it does not do is give any long term quality of life assessment of the different salvage treatments as the technique is still pretty new and there has not been time to get sufficient data.

    Further treatment and its success is going to depend on whether the recurrence remains local, or if it has spread and where to, as determined by the repeat biopsy and preferably a PSMA PET CT scan.

    The PRESERVE trial is due to complete its evaluation for Gleason 7 patients this month but it initially has only been for 12 months.