Prostate Treatment

  • 15 replies
  • 162 subscribers

PSA 5.2. Gleason 4;3 = 7. Bone Scan clear. T2/T3a  N 0 M 0

Thanks to all for their help before I made my treatment decision. Seen my Oncologist today. Agreed HRT required for 12 months, to be reviewed at the 

end of that period. Jabs every 12 weeks. Bicalutamide tablets 50mg  daily starting today! First jab in 10 days. Agreed EBRT of 20 fractions starting in couple

of months, no rectal spacer required and no procedure required for markers in prostate. Offered clinical trial called Sabre, EBRT of 5 high doses over 2 weeks, but included pelvic lymph nodes and needed gold markers putting in prostate as part of trial! Decided against that one. 

Agreed the tried and tested EBRT of 20 fractions plus the HRT and jabs etc.  Here goes. !!!!!!!!!!

  •   , my treatment plan was very similar to yours, apart from I had the 6 monthly hormone injections.

    Hope everything goes smoothly for you.  Keep us posted on how you get on.

    Any questions, we are all here for you!

    Take Care 

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • All the best I have my biopsy results tomorrow 

  • Hello  

    12 months HT doesn't sound too bad and 20 fractions of RT.  I wish you well with the treatment.

    Thank you for keeping us up to speed.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

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  • Fingers crossed Fingers crossed for your Biopsy results.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Thank you I have to admit I think I've got it hopefully treatable 

  • Noted thanks. How did the HRT and RT go for you, side effects wise please?

  • Hi Badger,

    my story/symptoms - just about identical to yours, except a Gleason of 9. Started HT Jul 2nd, RT 24 Oct. 

    The RT went exceedingly well. No enemas, no tattoos, just the Planning Appt and straight into it. One hiccup, the machine broke down and had to go back on a Saturday morning.

    Total side effects of HT & RT - minimal, if any at all !  Slightly "dicky" tummy towards end of RT but that may well have been due to the trials and tribulations of the trains & buses on my 90 mile round trip each day.  11/10 for the Southampton radiotherapy staff !!!

    Had my follow up yesterday - PSA of 0.06. Happy bunny !!

  • Well done you, I am pleased all went well and the path to recovery is ahead. 

    May I ask how you avoided the enemas, did you just empty bowels in the morning or take laxido or something similar?

  •   it was all the usual side effects with the Hormone and Radiotherapy treatments, mood swings, hot flushes, fatigue, etc...

    Please click on my profile picture (the Tyne Bridge) to see my story so far (well nearly up to date).

    It wasn't as bad as it looks!  Well at the time it felt like it.

    On 15th February I should be celebrating 3 years in Remission (or Biochemical Remission as my Oncologist said).

    The whole experience will change your outlook on life, it certainly did with me).

    Steve (SteveCam)

  •   I know from October 2021 when I had my Radiotherapy treatment, I still had the enemas, they aren't that bad.

    Just like a stick of dynamite, after about 10 minutes, "Bang", just the once.

    Steve (SteveCam)