Post Surgery - Day 6

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  • 161 subscribers

I had my RALP on 22nd January and was discharged on 23rd. Touch wood, everything seems to be ok so far.  My catheter is behaving itself; i do get some seepage, usually after I have done my daily walk or after I get up and down from a chair.  I do pop in a pad to soak up the drops and to prevent a wet patch in my pants.  My bowels opened on 25th and everyday since then, albeit no action yet today!  The shoulder pain was quite severe, especially when eating, but this feels to have gone away now.  A couple of reflections/questions

  1. I am struggling with my daily injection of dalteparin; I seem to get a bruise after each injection.  Has anyone else had this issue? - i choose a different spot each day, to make sure i'm not injecting in the same place and I've had a chat with the nurse at the hospital and it sounds like I'm administering the injection in the right way.  Any tips?
  2. In all the literature and discussions with the MDT before surgery, nobody mentioned quite how painful my tummy would be post op!  I shouldn't be surprised, given someone has stuck 7 probes into my guts and filled me with gas! I guess you don't really think how much of your daily activity goes through your core; standing and sitting, I get but even things like blowing your nose become almost impossible! When does the pain begin to ease?  I have my TWOC in 2 days time and am wondering if the tummy soreness will abate sufficiently to allow me to do my pelvic floor exercises.


  • Hi TBob,

    Pain in the abdomen after a prostatectomy is to be expected. The amount of pain and the time it takes to recover is variable. After 6 days you should expect to feel a little better every day. 

    I tried to do too much too soon and it set me back so take things easy for awhile. Pelvic floor exercises should be okay. If this causes more than a little pain, do them with less intensity. 

    When blowing your nose or sneezing,  place a pillow on your belly and press up against an end wall first.

    Mention the pain at your appointment so your doctor can make sure you are progressing appropriately. 

    Good luck!

  • Hi  , I haven’t had either a prostatectomy or a catheter, but I am sure I have seen on here that while catheterised you shouldn’t do pelvic floor exercises.  Obviously I am not medically trained but didn’t want  to make things worse.  David

  • Thanks     I can confirm I'm not doing any pelvic floor exercises until I get rid of this catheter.

  • Thanks  .  I've definitely found a way of blowing my nose with least pain.

    Overall the pain in my tummy is getting better.  I guess I just need to be patient.Blush

  • A patient patient - that just shows how confusing the English language can be!

    There's a lot of truth though in the saying - take one day at a time.  Glad you are feeling that bit better today & have found a more comfortable way to blow your nose.

    Best Wishes


  • On a humorous note, I once had a proper hernia operation - none of this mucking about with the keyhole stuff - and no one at all advised me that sneezing would counterproductive.


    Changed, but not diminished.
  • Hi Templebob

    I'm a couple of weeks ahead of you and can assure you that things will improve.  I think we all differ in the after effects we suffer and, when they don't resolve as quickly as we hope, we begin to wonder just how long they are going to last.  As Buzzers has already stated you just need to be a bit patient and try to take things easy.

    Hope your TWOC went well, it marks a significant step forward in your recovery and it certainly gave me a psychological boost when I had mine.  Three weeks post surgery I now feel pretty much back to normal but fortunately my wife is on hand to keep reminding me of all the things I shouldn't be doing!

