Good result

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  • 163 subscribers

It will be 2 years in April since hubby was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer Gleason 9, treatable not curable. He underwent 6 sessions of chemo which he handled so well. Only side effect for a few days after each session was a slight metallic taste. He was also put on daily daralutamide tablets and 12 weekly hormone injections. Immediately after chemo ended his Psa came down from 59.9 to less than 0.03 where it currently remains after his blood test last week. (They can't measure lower than 0.03 so class it as undetectable.)

Health wise he has been very lucky. Hot flushes a couple of times a day but hardly any now. Weight gain on his tummy which has resulted in some nice new clothes. We have been so grateful to the hospital, especially his 2 oncology nurses. Life is good, it now doesn't stop us doing anything we want to do. We are now back to cruising, albeit it now only in Europe as we can't get travel insurance for worldwide but that is a small price to pay, not the premium though (lol). We got insurance with All clear if that is helpful to anyone. We have an exciting year ahead.

So my message to anyone newly diagnosed, currently going through treatment and anyone who has come out the other side, yes cancer sucks, but we can beat this and enjoy life still. I never thought I would laugh or smile again but I do and I honestly think it was my husband who got me through this rather than the other way round. He was always so positive and just got on with it. Also a thank you to everyone on here who got me through my dark days and listened to me waffling on asking question after question. I even bored myself after awhile.You can do it. Love to you all xx

  • What a good way to start the day for everyone on the treatable pathway to hear of your positive news. I am so pleased for you both and long may it continue.

    Keep those sparkly shoes tapping and how many cruises have you got booked for 2025 so far?

  • We have just come back from a cruise celebrating my new year off the ship in Madeira for the fireworks and they were fabulous. Next cruise in 4 weeks with another 4 booked this year. Now where did I put my brochure!!

  • Shar, that’s great news.  Long may it continue.  David

  • Great news and a boost to all us getting treatment at the moment,I’m fighting this bugger on 2 fronts PC Which is under control at 0.02 and NCLC which unfortunately is stage4 incurable but treacle and I’m doing great with positive 3 month scans just back Robert

  • Hi Shar, I so well remember your distress when your husband received his diagnosis. It's absolutely wonderful to hear such good news now!!!! Well done to both you and hubbie for tackling this darned disease so well Slight smile

    Re insurance - I do think that, whilst acknowledging the extra health care needs of anyone with cancer, I do think insurance companies are using the diagnosis as a means to making greater profits! We have just had a major issue with our bank travel insurance (not directly related to the cancer diagnosis but more to their change in policy ) so have been shopping around for new insurance. I nearly fell off my chair with one quote - £5000+. We now have a policy in place - annual, worldwid, all medical conditions covered for both of us £383. Although it covers cruising there is an upgrade available (payable) to cover cabin confinement or excursion cancellation. A big difference!!!!

  • On behalf of all of us who are in that post biopsy but pre results/deciding on treatment phase and thinking the worst, can I just say a HUGE thank you for posting here as it's so encouraging and reassuring for us poor souls. I shall reread it when I'm tossing and turning in the middle of the night!!

  • Good Morning  

    Thank you so much for sticking with us and returning to post such positive news. It's great when people post their journey and results, good or bad.

    I was only posting yesterday on another thread how people join, take the help and information they need and then continue their journey and we don't see them again. So yes thank you for sticking with us and keeping us updated.

    Enjoy the cruises and have many more new dresses and shoes!! (oh and handbags to match!!).

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • The problem with insurance companies is that they link all cancers under one criteria. Prostrate cancer is the only cancer where they don't re scan after chemo and rely on the PSA . As soon as you tick the box that asks when your last scan was and you say you haven't had a scan since diagnosis then the premium shoots up thousands. There is nothing to tick about other reliable tests. I have tried taking it up with the ombudsman but they will only look at complaints about an individual company. We now pay £2,600 for annual European cover to include cruises. I am on the case though to see what else i might be able to do to get this changed 

  • I referred our situation to the financial ombudsman last week!!! Our situation is slightly different to yours as my husband has been treated with 'the intention to cure' but he has other illnesses to declare as well. 

    I do think the whole issue of travel insurance needs lookiing into by the government. At the moment, I suspect travel insurance is a very lucrative business to be in - especially as 1 in 2 peopple are now expected to receive a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives!!! I also think that the cost of travel insurance may be putting people off from seeing their GP in the early stages of cancer and waiting until the symptoms become difficult to mange and - most importantly - ikmpossible to cure.

    Happy to fight with you!!!

  • Shar,

    What a great result and very encouraging for me presonally as I'm on same treatment after recurrence. I finished chemo late September 2024, now on HT and Darolutamide. I know your post will give encouragement to others embarking on the PC journey.

    I agree wholeheartedly with your take on life and travels - we're currently in the Canaries before returning next week for my 12 weekly blood test and review, fingers crossed for a good result and will then arrange a US road trip for March. We feel very fortunate indeed to be able to pursue life as it is for now, hoping it will last well into the future.


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