First RT Today

  • 4 replies
  • 160 subscribers

Had my first Radiotherapy, and it went a programmed, apart for a couple of delays which led to a certain stretching of the bladder.

I haven't had any side effects, so I will be watching out for those joys but, in honesty, I feel that I will be able to deal with them as I have with the hormone therapy. There will be adjustments, but it is a relatively short time, and I will cope.

The advice to imagine horrible things happening to the cancer cells worked, and I recommend it to others. Thinking of the little blighters stewing in their own juices is really cheering.

My imagination supplied Star Wars type "pew-pew" noises as the machine worked, followed by a still imaginary "ding" as it finished. Supplying sound effects will go on my feedback form.

I'll let you all know if my relative optimism was justified at the end of February.


  • Hello Steve ( 

    Once you get the hang of it - well it's like shelling peas!! I love the way you deal with taking your mind off the treatment.

    We had a complete photograph you could see on the ceiling - it was of The Pennine hills filled with sheep. Yes I did end up counting them. On one fraction the background music was the Abba Gold CD. When my session was over the two Radiologists came back into the room laughing - It appears I had done a bit of singing, and no I don't do karaoke for one reason - I can't sing!!

    By the end of February you will be able to light up any room Radioactive SunnyRadioactive.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

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  • Hi Steve ( ),

    Congratulations with getting the RT underway without any hitches. Your initial experience sounds so familiar and hopefully you will progress through it just as easily as I did.
    Those daily visits to the hospital became almost like visiting a friendly social club which in my case was enhanced by a group of very jovial  fellow patients in the RT waiting room.

    After the first two weeks of RT my bowel did seem to think it could influence my life and even six months on I do have to respond quite promptly to its demands!

    Good luck with the remaining RT and the future beyond it.


  • Haha , the “pew pew” made me giggle .    AW

  • Hi mstev,2

    Getting that first session out of the way is a great feeling as the reality is always much better than the imagination thinks it will be.

    You will quickly get into a routine & before you know it they will all be completed & out of the way.

    Best Wishes
