
  • 3 replies
  • 159 subscribers

Hello. I have an appointment with the Neuroscience at my Hospital. Can anyone explain what that is for? I am worried


  • Hello Derek  

    Lorraine, Mrs Millibob attends the Neuroscience department where they deal with disorders of the nervous system. My wife has "guillain barre syndrome" which is where her immune system has attacked some of her peripheral nerves and she loses feeling in her feet and hands.

    I would suggest you have a word with your clinical team and ask just why the referral has been made and what is the connection with your Prostate Cancer if this is the only medical issue you have. If you live in most parts of England and have full access to your medical records on the NHS App the details should be there.

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Do you have peripheral neuropathy from chemo treatment?

  • Andy.Sorry for delay in answering.I have never had chemo(and will not)But I have had peripheral neuropathy in my feet for years.My Grandfather on my Mother's side had in his hands.It was on his Death Certificate. Altho that was not the cause of death.I have had two scan's(C.T and Bone/body) could that have pick it up.
