An update and can anyone give advice

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  • 132 subscribers

not said much recently but here goes 

My OH’s PSE. Is down to 1 it halved from 14  (March ) but last month it’s slowed down is it anything to worry about ? He tends to stress when he has his bloods done , the oncologist nurse suggested he calls the next day to give him peace of mind . However, he thought it would be under one by now . 

He is loosing muscle quickly even although he walks at least 10 miles a day what do you wonderful people suggest ?  The main side affects from Aberaterone is this and he tends to flush in the evening. 

He has his MRI on Wednesday and sees the oncologist next week and he’s now stressing that he won’t get the lymph nodes treated. 

  • Hi !

    without knowing the actual treatment your husband have had or is going through; I guess he’s on hormone therapy (and perhaps also Abiraterone). Anyway, a PSA drop is always a good thing of course. Often you see rapid declines in the beginning when for example on hormone therapy and then it may slow down. But a decrease is always good even if it’s slower then in the beginning.

    He needs to add upper body workout and preferbly rubber band workout because walking will not help out in keeping upper body muscles. Your husband seems to have no problem doing excersise so adding at least 3 days of upper body strength can help him not loosing muscles and actually helping him keeping his muscles.

    Hope this helps you a little bit and I’m sure you will have more good responses from some of all the wonderful people here in this community Slight smile

    Best wishes - Ulf