LH level <0.1, Serum test for testosterone 0.7

  • 14 replies
  • 132 subscribers

I feel like crap... levels above, and this after the last Zoladex implant on 28 March this year. I can't describe how it feels - I'm totally dead sexually... so totally knackered that I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO... I no longer control my life - I've lost over a kilo in weight over the past week. I had 20 'hot flashes' in the last 24 hours and the worst of it all is that my 'long-term' partner doesn' t seem to care at all

My situation is getting worse, by the day and I can't keep fighting it...

  • Hi Andy.

    Thank you for sticking with us.

    These results suggest that you are still at castrate level. Am I correct in assuming that you have now finished HT injections on 28 March? and that the TURP and radiotherapy have worked for you. It can take a while for the testosterone levels to recover but that is no consolation to you at this time. I don't know whether it will help you but there is evidence that it is safe to have testosterone supplementation following prostate cancer treatment so have a word with the doctor and see if this is an option for you at this time. 

  • My GP isn't happy with my results., 've been referred to 'endocrinology" with a possible consultation date in 'six month's time'. My partner doesn't care whatever - she does not want sex with me, whatever the result.... I'm being referred to 'endocrine' whoever / whatever that may be.... And now I no longer care - what's the point? I knew, long ago, that she'd 'switched off' from me, but I hoped there was enough after 35 years to keep us together... but obviously not...and I hate where we are... she doesn't care...

    I no longer want to fight 'for us' - what's the point? I'm the only one in this relationship that's in this that's fighting to keep it - she's accepted someone else.... and spends more time out of our relationship than in it... I've had it!

  •   , I am sorry to hear that your long term partner of 35 years has given up with you.  I am well out of my depth here, but to be honest it sounds like you should focus on yourself and wave goodbye to your OH!  What is the cause of the hot flushes I can only assume it to be as a consequence of HT, so when that gets out of your system, your body should start to recover.  You feel awful due to the physical effects but also the mental effects you are going through.  My suggestion would be to focus on yourself - try to eat well and exercise.  Think about your future.  If you need help, just ask.  Good luck, my friend.  David

  • Hi AndyK, may I jump in from a wife’s point of view? This might not reflect your own situation and I wouldn’t want to be so presumptuous to assume one situation fits all or that this is how your wife is feeling, but maybe if I describe my own experience, it might give a different perspective?

    My husband was treated initially and successfully 10 years ago with High Dose Brachytherapy but has since had a relapse. Like yourself, we have been together for 35 plus years. We had a brilliant love life BC (before cancer) but an inevitable part of the HT is the reduction in desire etc. I know my husband found this side of things much more difficult to reconcile with himself. To me it was far more important that he was treated successfully and that he was still with me, but I know he always felt love making was a vital part of expressing love and he felt he was a failure because he could no longer fulfil that side of our marriage. 

    I love him as much as I did when we first fell into bed together but it’s evolved over the years, as any relationship does after children, aging, health issues etc. I also ‘switched off’ because I felt my husband was almost putting himself under too much pressure to ’ perform’ which I know was making him feel even more unnecessarily inadequate and a failure but we still hug, kiss and cuddle and share loving moments. I hate it when he apologises about it too because the important thing is we’re together. I also think we’re bombarded with the message in the media that everyone is at it like rabbits - except us! - but don’t believe it, very few people are going to admit what really goes on (or doesn’t!) behind the bedroom door.

    I truly hope I’ve not been too graphic for anyone or trivialised the issue but exactly as David2017 said, look after yourself first and focus on getting better. I’ve only been in this forum a few weeks and the support and wise advice of so many on here is incredible. Xx

  • An endocrinologist is an expert in issues relating to hormones, including testosterone. If you know who you are being referred to then I would try contacting the department and say that you are in a bad way mentally and physically as a result of the HT for prostate cancer which doesn't appear to have started recovering following stopping it 5 months ago. Say that you will take a cancellation at short notice. If they are not particularly helpful then you could go to the PALS office at the hospital and outline the situation - they can sometimes expedite things and get you an appointment date. If you don't know where the endocrinology department is then either ask your doctor or have a look on line at your patient records if you have access to them as this might tell you. Basically politely push your case and don't be fobbed off.

    I am sorry that you are not getting the love and support from your partner after such a long relationship. Only you can take control of the what happens in the next few years and with whom.

  • This is such an honest and open message - and so true and meaningful.  I do hope that AndyK will take some solace from your generous reply.   AW

  •    - has your GP or consultant prescribed low dose 5mg tadalafil / cialis/ Viagra tablets? These are designed to maintain good blood flow and help with the sexual function.   AW

  • So sorry with what you are going through. Just wondering if some couple counselling might help

  • I've tried Viagra and a pump with rings but totally unable to get any sort of erection. I may try Cialis next...

  • That’s the spirit.  Feel free to come on here, have a rant, then you will feel better.  It looks like this may the case, as you are you considering next steps to cure your ED.  Don’t underestimate the NHS - you’ll be well supported in your quest.    AW