LH level <0.1, Serum test for testosterone 0.7

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  • 134 subscribers

I feel like crap... levels above, and this after the last Zoladex implant on 28 March this year. I can't describe how it feels - I'm totally dead sexually... so totally knackered that I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO... I no longer control my life - I've lost over a kilo in weight over the past week. I had 20 'hot flashes' in the last 24 hours and the worst of it all is that my 'long-term' partner doesn' t seem to care at all

My situation is getting worse, by the day and I can't keep fighting it...

  • Absolutely no response to Cialis! Over the past week, she's spent as much time away from me as she can - even the usual 1.5 hour shopping trip took nearly 5 hours... I give up - if she wants me out, I'm gone!

  • Tried Viagra, with a big NIL result. Also tried a pump, then a pump with rings, and the net result was a total inability to establish an erection and certainty that I couldn't achieve penetration - let alone that my size has decreased from a fairly normal 6" to something barely resembling a large pimple.

  • If I had been castrated, there would be an almost specific Oh Bugger reaction from me. But 'No' I should be "returning to normal" - but I'm not! I tried cuddling up with the OH, sexual stroking and kissing - even oral sex (me on her...) but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - no movement whatsoever! She's advised me of my "Failure" and her disaffection. I would go and leave her with her 'new' partner, but I can't afford the disruption or cost for my failure, so I'm going to sit here until she demands that I leave - then I'm totally on my own

  • Hi Andy, I’m really sad to read of your ongoing distress. I have 2 thoughts but I hope you won’t be offended. I am posting them from both a wife’s point of view and from an outsider position.

    1. if her sexual gratification is the only thing that has kept your relationship going, then that is not a solid foundation for any continuing  relationship. There are many wives and partners here who are successfully working around the ED difficulties due to their love, respect, memories of happier times and concern for their loved ones

    2. Why do you have to be the one to move out? You want to keep the relationship going , she is the one who has found another partner! ( I may be missing something here?)

    It has been suggested that you seek relationship counselling as a couple. I am also wondering if you need legal advice and much more support in the ED matter from your medical team? I wonder whether the failure of all the devices and drugs etc are not helping because of the difficulties in your relationship with your partner?

    we have been told that it can take 5-6 months for the side effects of the ht to wear off. Others here have previously said that it can take the same length of time to wear of as the amount of time you were taking HT?

    HTH and hope your situation improves.