Trying to get an understanding on my psa results

  • 7 replies
  • 133 subscribers

Hi folks 

as some may have seen from my previous posts i have not really had a great support network behind me since my diagnosis my doctor is uninterested and my locum oncologist i just seem to be an inconvenience. 

Anyway i digress as if you have read my bio my gleason is 4+4  and i have lymph node activity, so i was invited to a graham fulford charity psa testing event, as i have hear nothing from my oncology dept.

so today my result came back as green light  psa 0.03 so i guess this is better than my doctors one they did.

so may i enquire on two things firstly how do i know if my lymph nodes have been targeted with success would my psa pick up lymph node activity or more scans? I finished RT in july 

so i think good news with this

secondly i would love to talk to someone obe as i do have mental health issues so do you guys think even though i am not a member of a macmillain group as there are none near me i might be allowed to ring them and talk to them

kind thanks graham

  • Hello Graham.

    The 0.03 PSA is extremely good news at this stage of your treatment and shows that the cancer is under control, including the lymph nodes. The radiotherapy is going to continue to work for many months and the nadir (lowest level) may not be seen for around 18 months post radiotherapy, but it could be even longer. As you have locally advanced prostate cancer I would expect you to be on hormone therapy for at least 18 months as this has been shown to give better results in terms of risk of progression so have you been told how long you are going to have the injections for? Some health authorities will scan to check that the cancer is in retreat, others may not but it is worth asking the question when this will be done, simply for peace of mind. The PSA should remain low from now on but it may bounce around a little bit so don't be surprised if it does. The time to investigate further is if there are 3 successive rises in a short period of time, if the PSA doubles, or if it reaches 2.0. Once you come off HT you may see a small rise in PSA but it should settle down, plus there is a phenomenon called the PSA bounce when the PSA might increase at the 12 - 18 month time period after treatment but then drop down again.

    Macmillan support is there for everyone so feel free to ring them if you need to talk to someone on

    0808 808 00 00

    They have other resources which might help with your mental health such as BUPA counselling so don't be afraid to ask. 

    I know it is difficult, but for now everything is looking good so it is time to get back to doing the things you enjoy and forget about cancer for a while.

  • Hello there thank you kindly for replying i am pushing my hospital to see an oncologist to discuss various things, thank you for answering the question and also about macmillain i was not sure if i was able to call as not near me but now i will have an amazing day 


  • Hello Graham ( 

    So your PSA is down, that's good news - lets see if we can get you some additional help to get you fully sorted.

     in her post above mentioned the free BUPA counselling we have - here's a link to it-

    Have you heard of "Macmillan Buddies" - we can set you up with a telephone "buddy" who will contact you once a week for a chat - not always about cancer - anything you want - again here's the link-

    There's "Mind" - this is a support service for any one with mental health issues, You can give them a ring on 0300 123 3393 or online at

    And of course there is our support line on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week). Just give them a call - they will be happy to help.

    I hope the above will help you get up and running again - if I can do anything else for you please give me a ring.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Wow this is so kind i will do this i did not realise this was all available i wish i understood this when i started my journey in january this is amazing thankyou again


  • Hi

    Your Onocologist should have a secretary, or you should have a emergency number given when first seen.

    You are doing very well, you can ring McMillan any time, there should have been numbers in the urology dept, if not their always on the television advertising. 
    PSA readings can differ, you might have had your blood taken soon as you got there, this can alter the reading so can what you eat, so don’t worry about that your doing great.

    Stay Safe


  • Thanks joe what lovely words i followed your heed spoke to oncology git a huge apology and been moved to a different oncologist so im very happy thankyou for advising me

  • Hi

    Your welcome, it’s always good to have alternatives.

    Stay Safe
