One year on from chemo - some reassurance for you

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I can't believe that it is now one year since husband had his first of 6 chemo sessions. For anyone about to go through this then I just want to say it doesn't have to be awful. At the first session within a couple of minutes husband started to get hot and had a slight pain across his chest. Two nurses were watching him like a hawk and instant slowed the treatment down which immediately cured it. The staff were so lovely and caring. The only symptoms husband had was a metallic taste that came on about 3 days after each session and lasted about 3 -4 days, it didn't stop him eating, just made some foods taste funny, including wine, but that was ok as more for me!!!! One year on and he continues with the 3 monthly hormone injections and twice daily daraluramide tablets. He continues to remain really well and his recent 3 monthly PSA was undetectable at less than 0.03. we have been on 3 holidays abroad since his chemo with another 3 booked for this year. Being diagnosed is so scary and you feel life is over but I can certainly say for us life has carried on and is good. Just wanted to try and offer some reassurance to anybody about to start a similar journey xx

  • That’s great news Shar- it’s been a trek but all good.  We too are 1 yr on from chemo then RT. Did your OH have RT also? We are also stage IV - oligometastatic to rib & T5. No treatment to them other than chemotherapy and denied triplet therapy locally here because in the words of one oncologist- too much paperwork. I am still so so angry and scared as looks like the therapy is doing its job,  we are undetectable atm though bloods due sept and am feeling sick already but like you have been on some holidays, cruise last June and fingers crossed for Nov cruise so life atm is going ok. 
    wishing you both well and take care- a great positive post Shar thank you xx

  • Good Morning  

    Great to hear from you again and I am so pleased all is well. It's great to have positive posts on the Community. It only feels like a few weeks ago he started his Chemotherapy - a year - amazing!!

    Keep enjoying life to the full - it's a wonderful feeling knowing that your PSA is so low and everything is under control.

    Best wishes to you both - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Good morning Shar, Thank you for writing this it has given me hope. My husband has just finished his last chemo and now waiting for the MRI and CT scan, then the visit to the oncologists which I'm dreading in case it hasn't worked, his psa is good now but there is that little niggle in the back of my head.

  • Morning Shar,

    firstly, thank you for such a timely positive post and I wish you both the very best.

    I was diagnosed May this year and due to start my Triplet treatment next week. I’m seeing the nurse tomorrow morning for the initial chat before hand and although I understand it’s a step into the unknown for all of us we value messages like yours for some degree of comfort.

    We have tried to cram in as much as possible beforehand and currently away for a couple of days with my son, spending quality time together and talking openly about our situation. Something my father didn’t want to do during his cancer treatment.

    like so many, I have been following all the messages from our incredible community which is a huge part of our journey experience. They helped me right from day1 pulled me out of that dark place and will be forever grateful.

    many thanks 


  • Enjoy your cruise, we have been on 2 this year and next one is in 6 weeks. Husband didn't have RT. I would be furious if treatment was denied because of paperwork and would take it to the highest level in the NHS. Carrying on cruising 

  • Good luck at the next appointment. Our oncologist has refused any more scans following chemo as he says the Psa is now the test they use. Pity travel insurance companies don't agree with this. Our only way forward is to pay for a private scan and then insurance companies ask about your most "recent" scan and what goes recent mean in terms of time

  • Hello Shar, it’s lovely to read your post and I’m so glad all is going so very well for you both! I can’t believe it’s already a year! I think all of us wives find those first weeks and months so very scary and tough to get through. Certainly I did! Gradually, though, the dreadful feelings of shock, panic and sheer dread settle. Our husbands go through the treatment and we settle into a new life - often ( and hopefully) determined to live life to the full! We seem to take the diagnosis on board as a ‘wake up call’  and come to understand we have to live our lives to the full, I think?

     Your three holidays sound good! Cruising? We are trying to plan two winter sun holidays! We realised on our Caribbean cruise in January that we so appreciated escaping our dreary winter that we really have no choice but to escape from it more than once this coming winter! We have stayed at home all summer but have had some lovely days out!

    thank you for updating us and I hope all continues to go so very well for you both

  • Good Morning Chris ( 

    Just a quick post to wish you well with your triplet therapy when it starts next week.It's great to know that you have found the Community to be of help on your journey - we must be doing something right!

    Two of our Community members have started their Triplet Therapy journey and are writing a blog and here's the links for you as you may find this a help:

     Grant’s prostrate cancer Chemo blog 

     Prostate Cancer Recurrence - Triple Therapy 

    I hope all goes well for you,

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Good luck Chris. Don't be afraid to tell the nurse if you feel any symptoms start when they first put the chemo in, anything that feels different just tell them. I was scared my husband wouldn't say anything but he promised me he would. The  2 nurses watched him closely and just as husband was about to tell them they noticed him sweating and reacted immediately.

  • So would I and so did I!!! My husband has paid taxes all his life with the sure and certain knowledge that, in return, he would get health care at the point of need. The fact that he was not getting the care when needed was, for me, the Government reneging on their side of the ‘contract’! I fulfilled the old adage - ‘ there is no fury like that of a woman scorned’. I was furious and everyone involved in the NHS failures felt my anger! It worked! His proposed 3 month delay was shortened to two days!