One year on from chemo - some reassurance for you

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I can't believe that it is now one year since husband had his first of 6 chemo sessions. For anyone about to go through this then I just want to say it doesn't have to be awful. At the first session within a couple of minutes husband started to get hot and had a slight pain across his chest. Two nurses were watching him like a hawk and instant slowed the treatment down which immediately cured it. The staff were so lovely and caring. The only symptoms husband had was a metallic taste that came on about 3 days after each session and lasted about 3 -4 days, it didn't stop him eating, just made some foods taste funny, including wine, but that was ok as more for me!!!! One year on and he continues with the 3 monthly hormone injections and twice daily daraluramide tablets. He continues to remain really well and his recent 3 monthly PSA was undetectable at less than 0.03. we have been on 3 holidays abroad since his chemo with another 3 booked for this year. Being diagnosed is so scary and you feel life is over but I can certainly say for us life has carried on and is good. Just wanted to try and offer some reassurance to anybody about to start a similar journey xx

  • Hi again, meant to say that husband wore the cold cap at his chemo session and experienced no hair loss on his head, the only place he lost it was his arm pits. 

  • Hi. We have just come back from 3 weeks in Cyprus, boy was it hot, too hot for me, will stick to May or October next time. We can't get worldwide travel insurance at the moment so have to stick to Europe. Our next cruise is from Southampton travelling down to the Greek islands so really looking forward to that in 6 weeks time. Luckily we have been to the Caribbean a few times so if we can't go back then no problem. I hope all is well for you both xx

  • Thank you for posting an update Shar, I'm half way through the 6 chemo sessions as part of my triple therapy. Your post is a great encouragement for me at this stage and gives a spur to knuckle down and get on with it.

    I too am looking forward to resuming travel with my wife to sunnier climes by year end when this should hopefully be possible.

    Long may the good news continue for you.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Best of luck with your treatment Chris, I'm half way through the chemo part of my triple treatment. One of the blogs Brian (Millibob) mentioned is mine - it's a frank account of what I'm experiencing but we're all different and will no doubt encounter different side effects as we go through it. Nothing I've encountered so far is anything other than temporary inconvenience.

    Triple treatment certainly has plenty going for it according to everything I've read about it and I feel privileged to have been offered it. Hopefully iit will do the job for us.


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi Excavator

    just thought I would let you know that your sign off ( made in 1956 etc) really made me smile! Brilliant!

    I hope all goes well with the rest of the treatment and that. it is successful in kicking the PC into the long grass!

  • Hi Chris - I hope all goes well with the treatment! 

  • Absolutely brilliant Shar and so glad that it worked for your husband. Carry on living life to the full and enjoy your next cruise down to our part of Europe.

  • Thanks for posting Shar glad yous are doing well,it gives us waiting for treatment such heartening hope xxx

  • Thank you, it does feel sometimes that I have been tested almost to destruction! 

    Hopefully it's the PC that will actually be tested to complete destruction.


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi 

    What a great reassuring post, I'm so glad things are going well for you both. 

    Best wishes Lorraine Slight smile