The time has come

  • 34 replies
  • 137 subscribers


So, after 13 weeks of starting prostap injections, we finally meet with the oncologist tomorrow - we are beyond anxious!

Following the advice, comments, responses on here has been a life saver over this time as it gave me hope. I just pray that we will still be as hopeful this time tomorrow. 

I also hope the oncologist doesn't venture a prognosis or timescale because I suspect it wouldn't be very good due to the bone and lymph node spread.  I feel sick thinking about that.

I have our questions ready...there are 22 in total so I hope it is not too many.

Anyway, needed to get that off my chest! Thanks for listening/reading 



  • Hello Amanda, at last the long wait is almost over! I really hope the appointment goes well for you both.

    just a thought - when I had a long list of questions I printed 3 copies out 1 for my husband, one for oncologist and 1 for me to scribble replies on. It seemed to work well.

    best of luck - let us know how you get on!

  • Great idea! Thank you.

    I will update as soon as I can 

  • Hello Amanda,

    Best wishes tomorrow.

    Looking at your profile, you and your partner stated this journey 7 days before I did, and yet I first met the oncologist on 18/06/2024 and have received another letter today booking a second one on 24/10/2024 to finalise dates for radiotherapy etc.

    For some reason I feel a little guilty reading about your delays.

    Hang on to the idea that there is more than one treatment for you.

    After the delay the least they can do is answer your questions. Maybe you can make it 23 and enquire politely why the heck they didn't get their finger out before now.

    You will be in my prayers for tomorrow.


  • Thanks Steve

    I did ask for one sooner but they are so busy, they can't keep up apparently!

    Thank you for your prayers.  We, like you, are also Christians and have been spending a lot more time in prayer!


  • Hi Amanda.

    That's great news at least you have got an appointment eventually.

    Yes I had a prognosis of Metastatic PC (1000+ PSA ) to the bones and once I started HT (tablets and injections) the PSA is now 1.79 which is amazing.

    I do hope that you have a good result come tomorrow but please try not to worry as I know full well that this is easier said than done!!!!!

    All the best and please let us know how things go if you don't mind???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Good evening AFLMF, Our problems started in March, fast tracked to Urology by the 28th March when we were told the news, Bone scan clear but the CT was showing Illiac node spread, biopsy done to confirm. OH half has been really well before this and is on Zoladex and alaputimide.  Waiting on Radiothetapy. Hot flushes are a pain but I prey everyday that we can fight this and will win.  I know it’s not curative but I do know PC has a battle on its hands with us. I am also new to this forum and the people on here who have been through so much and came out the other side has given me so much strength and hope after being in such a dark place.

  • Hello Amanda.

    All the best for tomorrow and let us know how you get on. Another suggestion is to ask to record the meeting.

  • Hi

    Thanks, I was thinking of asking that...I think I shall because there's no way that we can take in everything I'm sure!

    I will update as soon as I can

  • Hi

    Thank you!

    I will update as soon as I can