Hip and back pain

  • 7 replies
  • 144 subscribers

Still suffering with the hip and back pain.

Just keeping quiet and getting on with life but today has been particularly bad so I caved in and have taken 2 paracetamol and 2 codeine which haven't had much affect

My Oncologist telephone appointment has been brought forward to the 13th August so what painkillers can I prompt him for that still allow you to think clearly.
I'm lucky that my job involves sitting down but I can't take anything that's going to affect my thinking ability

Any help is appreciated as I'm started to get fed up of the constant pain.

It's sort of like toothache, not bad enough to need a doctor but it's always there, the longest I've slept for in the last 6 weeks is 2 hours, every time I move it wakes me up

Can't exercise apart from walking the dog

It's really starting to piss me off now

Sorry for the rant 

  • I too have hip and back pain.it limits how far I can walk.My go has recommended a physio appointment.that’s next week.I also have start with an increased blood pressure so I have meds for that.that limits me with pain meds ie no ibuprofen.

  • Hubby has had back and hip pain for years thanks to arthritis setting in after he broke his back. Initially he was put onto Celecoxib which is stronger than Paracetamol or ibuprofen. This was in combination with exercises to strengthen the muscles as well as relaxation techniques - all courtesy of a pain management course organised through the GP which also teaches you how to take medication correctly. Now he has regular sessions with an osteopath who provides him with a lot of relief and keeps the medication he needs down. The different exercises have become a way of life but really do help. He has now progressed to taking Tramadol twice a day, occasionally three times. Hubby has chronic kidney disease so no ibuprofen for him either.

  • I can't think of any painkillers strong enough to positively affect the pain that won't affect your thinking.

    People have mentioned a physio. You might also consider visiting a chiropractor or osteopath. I got to a chiro who has been a great help.

    There is also something odd which might help.

    5 years ago I managed to get 2 herniated discs at the same time. Painkillers didn't touch it, any movement had to be planned carefully, and sleep was something that happened to other people.

    Then I found myself going to steep one night with both legs hanging over the side of the bed. It was the best nights sleep I had for weeks.

    Apparently, the weight of my legs hanging unsupported was stretching my spine, and easing the pressure on the nerves.

    Look for something that just works.

    However weird it looks.

  • I'm on anticoagulants so I cant take Ibuprofen either.
    The constant pain and lack of decent sleep is just so wearing.
    Yesterday was a particularly bad day.  Bit better today but still there
    Good Luck with the physio

  • Celecoxib is an NSAID so not a good idea with anticoagulants. The warning with Tramadol is if you are on Warfarin and some antidepressants.

  • I have some suggestions which may or may not be of any use:

    1. A TENS machine - I like these as they are drug free 

    2. a rub on pain killer cream - purchaseable from a pharmacy

    3 prescribed pain killer patches to put on your body for a more constant and even slow release

    4. A therapeutic massage, acupuncture, chiropractor etc


  • We can offer different Ideas to help manage pain, and I can concur with WW about the use of the TENS machine, but all these remedies will possibly deal with the result. What you need to do is try and find the cause. Is it skeletal or muscular. Medication can mask the problem and make things worse in the long term depending on the root cause.