Good news (I think)

  • 11 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Yesterday I had results of my latest PSA test.  To recap, diagnosed in early 2017 with PSA 74, G9, T3bN1M0.  Had Chemo x4, RT x37 and on Zoladex.

Since then PSA went down As follows

2018 - 2022   0.1  (readings only given to 1 decimal place in those days).

April 2023   0.2

July 2023   0.3

Oct 2023   0.56

Jan 2024   1.19

April 2024 1.43

I was expecting a call from my oncologist as part of the 3 monthly review, but instead the CNS called (always a good sign I think).  My PSA is now 1.69 which leaves a bit of a dilemma.  They were assuming that I would be over 2.0 and I would automatically reach the criteria for Darolutamide to be prescribed.

As the PSA is still rising, there is an increasing risk of mets, so the view has been taken that I should go onto Darolutamide anyway.  In the view of the CNS ‘it is a well tolerated drug’, but if I have problems, then still got more options in the cupboard!  It is a judgement call as to how long to leave a rising PSA against the risk of mets.  This option should give me a bit more time.

So CT scan next to check no obvious mets and then Darolutamide.  No point in doing a PET at present as if minor mets found then still same treatment. Sounds like a plan to me.  Stress levels back to near normal and off we go again!  If anyone out there is on Zoladex and Darolutamide I would be interested to hear how you are doing.

Onward and upward, David

  • I'd be interested to know how you get on as I appear to be in a similar boat with my PSA rising since Feb this year
    I haven't spoken to the consultant yet but will see what he says when I get an appointment

  • Hi  ,  thanks for your reply.  I can’t recall if RT has been mentioned for you in the past?  I try and keep my profile up to date as it is a useful aide memoir as well.  Best wishes, David

  • Definitely sounds like a plan and good news that the rate of PSA increase has slowed down. No personal experience of Darolutamide but have read good things. It sounds as if we are into celebrations again.

    Take care 

  • Hello David

    I think the best news is that your medical team are keeping such a close eye on this and are now jumping in to get on top of this trend of a rising PSA. 

    I'm afraid that I have no knowledge of Darolutamide so can't advise on that. However, I really do thank you for posting this as your pragmatic approaching information provides me with some reassurance of the pathway should my husband's PSA start to rise following treatment. So a big thank you!

    I hope all goes well with the CT scan and that the additional treatment goes well.

  • David2017, my husband takes Darolutamide and doesn't seem to have any problems apart from hot flushes.


  • Hi David2017.

    Good morning, thank you very much for your great information yes I am just behind you in my journey and my PSA numbers are going in the same direction as yours.

    I have got an appointment with my consultant in a few months time so I will be asking about what is next in terms of further treatment.

    I believe that chemo has been mentioned in the past so hopefully that will still be the case to get on top of this increase!!!!!!

    I do hope that everything goes ok for your up and coming treatment????

    Prostate Worrier.

  • No RT. Just had 6 Docetaxel and am on Triptorelin injection every 3 months

  • Thanks to all for replies and good wishes.  Good to hear Darolutamide being tolerated ok.  Plenty more drugs and treatments in the cupboard I think, so hopefully keep going for a bit longer.  Good luck to you all and hope Brian is having a fabulous family holiday (bet he is having a sneak view over his flock). David

  • That is great news David


  • Hello. My husband started on daraluramide virtually a year ago and no problems at all. He also has a 3 monthly hormone injection. He does get one hot flush a day which lasts about a minute plus he has gained some weight round his tummy but not sure if that is due to the tablets or the injection. I hope you get on ok