I don't believe them

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I have read so many posts on Oncologists saying to people on this forum that they have so long to live to be proved so wrong and wrong again. No one can tell how your treatment will respond as every cancer is different in every individual. Just be positive and believe in yourself you are going to beat this shit no matter what anyone so called expert thinks, they are wrong so many times and one expert will give you a different outcome to another

  • Morning AH,

    This is mind blowing. Gut microbiota affects androgen production! This is all news to me. I wish they will hurry up and produce this yogurt drink mentioned in the first article so all our men can have longer better life. This study even indicates that diagnosis is more accurate of checking the guts than PSA. 

    A consultant once said to me: you think you control by your brain but it is the gut which control us.  

    Thank you so much for this eye opening  .  For the meantime what I am taking from this is much less animal fats and more natural yogurts.

    Lots of love


  • It's not just our men who would benefit, it's a lesson for all of us to look after ourselves. With the yoghurt make sure it is a low fat version without sugar. Also if you have to take antibiotics or have chemotherapy then boost the system afterwards with a source of probiotic.

    It could be interesting if instead of having to go for a routine PSA blood test you had to present a poo sample for analysis.

  • Hi Dafna, gut microbiome has been well understood for over 20 years and FMT's since I was in healthcare, patients who needed antibiotics were never tested for C-Diff before taking them, and as 5% of us has C-Diff and antibiotics are pretty useless against it and the only thing keeping it in check was your good bacteria your antibiotic treatment which kills your good bacteria allows C-Diff to run wild with tragic results, thankfully a C-Diff test came in and around 2015 saw FMT's used for the first time, with very good results, today FMT's are used around the world for C-Diff saving thousands of lives. Dafna the right diet is so important, your immune system has to spend a lot of time and effort in the gut, eating good healthy food means it can be elsewhere, like fighting cancer.

    love Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie,

    Thank you for that. I know about antibiotic and good and bad bacteria and good and healthy diet. All this is well implemented in our household from birth as we are originally Mediterranean. What was for me total news is that little bugs in our gut are actually an hormone factory on its own. So while we are fighting the PC targeting the prostate with HT and instructing the brain with the new generation HT, while all this fight going on the little invisible buggers in the gut go on a mission on their own to produce testosterone. I know I simplify it but the link   sent with studies all over the world hinting very much on this direction. 

    How are you? Are you back home and when Plan B is going to start?

    Lots of love


  • Hi Dafna, AH, piece is very interesting, though i'm not sure they produce directly they do influence production of testosterone mainly DHT and TG but need estrogen to facilitate this and it's easy to halt the adrenal glands production of it while going through cancer treatment. Dafna I got home last monday, went on the 11th, had to go home for 3 days for tests but went back, next PSA 6th September with MDT on the 13th, but seeing my cardiologist 30th August my MOT and hope for good news regarding chemotherapy, if not, will ask for a holiday, or intermittent treatment, Dafna I am at Addenbrooke's this week for tests, was invited, not too sure what it's all about, mayne just a guinea pig or open possibilities, we will see, if no positive news then 2nd Gen HT after MDT meeting. I  hope you and Jacob are well and have made the most of our 2 day summer, best wishes to you both, take care.

    love Eddie xx

  • You lot know as much as the experts in my book, in fact more than some of them, INSPERATIONAL comes to mind, I never google anymore just troll this forum and cancer research lol

  • Eddie, what is being found now is that the cancer is finding ways round the hormone therapy suppressing the testosterone production by the adrenal glands when men are on these drugs for a period of time. This is why hubby had spots on the adrenal glands zapped earlier this year.

    All the best for your tests this week and let us know what happens.

  • Hi Neil, that's nice of you to say, but it's 100% not true, I know they can be inaccurate with their prognoses, but often the statistics are from charts a few years old, treatment was less effective and as we all know everyone is different. I was in palliative care for 5 years, nearly all cancer, I cared for over 70 guys in their, supposedly, last few,"3" weeks, less than 10 didn't make it to 3 weeks and many of the others managed a month or two and a third between 4 months and a year, and 2 guys even longer and until their fast week or so it is so hard to give a time,


  • Evening AH, I'm CRPC, I looked it up due to my diagnosis, though had hard of it before and I think we had a discussion on it some time ago as to why some guys PSA would drop to 2 or 3 and wasn't going any lower, and the adrenal glands ability to produce 5% of your total testosterone  was mentioned as was the fact some HT treatments have no impact on the adrenal glands production,

    Thank you AH, If anything useful comes from my trip to Cambridge I will happily share, not sure if I am just a guinea pig, but I don't want to regret not going, a free trip to one of Sheila's favourite places, so will get something from the trip.

    How's life for you and hubby, are you getting some time free of appointments, hope your both in a happy place and it's not too hot, after this week I'm hoping for 6 free weeks, though will still go to my hospice if I can.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie.

    We are revelling in having the summer off from having scans and tests. Next appointment is around the 8th August with the Urologist for the 3 monthly Prostap injection and ultrasound. Apart from that, nothing until the end of September for bloods, chest CT and MRI's to upper and lower abdomen then a meeting with the GG. This has been a great boost for hubby mentally and he hasn't had a wobble for a month now.

    It has been, and still is TOO HOT. This is the longest extended time of excessive heat on record. In previous years we have rarely used the Aircon but this year it is on every day - I have the delights of shinning up a ladder today as the outside pipe has sprung a leak on one of the units.

    Enjoy your 'time off'.