I don't believe them

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I have read so many posts on Oncologists saying to people on this forum that they have so long to live to be proved so wrong and wrong again. No one can tell how your treatment will respond as every cancer is different in every individual. Just be positive and believe in yourself you are going to beat this shit no matter what anyone so called expert thinks, they are wrong so many times and one expert will give you a different outcome to another

  • Morning Eddie,

    Thank you for the information. I learn here everyday!

    Good luck from both of us for the visit to the Cambridge hospital. Let us know how it gone and what they suggest.

    Jacob is fine, swimming at the moment.  We both prefer the English summer than the very hot weather.

    Lots of love


  • Morning AH, my next appointment is September 6th for PSA test, can't remember the last time I had 2 weeks off, and as you say it's wonderful and I'm sure it's a welcome break for you as well, apart from a trip to Tromso, we have nothing planned so can do what we want without fitting it in between appointments, so hopefully will get away a few times with Sheila and/or  the family,  AH you won't catch me up a ladder as for some reason I have developed a fear of going up them and I don't mean to the top 3 rungs is enough. Have you thought about what to do with your free time, or are you just going to enjoy the moment and see where it may take you, be careful with your DIY,  and I hope  the  weather cools down for you soon, best wishes to you both and take care.

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi Eddie.

    Hubby has also developed a fear of ladders when not so long ago he would quite happily climb them and wander about on the roof. A few years ago we had an animal doing a clog dance up there so hubby jumped out of bed to try and dissuade it and it was only when I went to check that he was OK that I realised he was starkers brandishing a stick - perhaps the neighbours thought it was some strange English fertility dance.

    From my memories of Tromso it was remarkably mild as it is affected by the Gulf stream. Enjoy.

    No, nothing planned after our unscheduled 'holiday' in Athens earlier this year but are thinking of having a couple of days away once it cools down in the Autumn. Just really enjoying being at home but then, because of where we live, it is like being on holiday every day.

    How are the wedding plans coming on for October?

  • Morning Dafna, my pleasure, good to hear Jacobs is well and keeping fit, and how are you doing, we all know this journey is just as tough on partners too, I can imagine Brighton is full of holidaymakers so your quiet stroll along the beach isn't so relaxing, anything I may get from Cambridge I will share, say hi to Jacob for me and take care. 

    love Eddie xx 

  • Hi Eddie,

    We are located just a bit east to Brighton so we almost have a private beach. When we go through Brighton we see thousands of holiday makers but where we are is really calm and beautiful.

    I am doing well and feeling optimistic. We just enjoying everyday.

    Lots of love


  • Hi  AH, I hope you never explained hubby's midnight streak to the neighbours, I would have left them wondering.

    Looking forward to Tromso, originally planned a 4 night break, but maybe extend it now we have time. Apart from the heat, your village sounds idyllic, can I ask how you ended up living there.

    All Wedding plans are in place, booked the church last Thursday, deadline day, so all set for last week is October, then off to Aus, PS, have already started cleaning November of appointments

    Eddie xx 

  • That's lovely to hear Dafna, so nice your both in a good place geographically and emotionally,  beaches are one of my favourite things and have been to 156 in the UK,  my favourite is near Mallaig in Scotland,  so only a 12 hour drive for you, PS not keen on Brightons, 

    love Eddie xx 

  • Friends introduced me and my late husband to it in the early 90's. After he died I came back with them as it had good memories for me. After I had met my current husband I told him about the place and wondered if he would like to try it even though he had never been to Greece before. The rest is history and he refused to go back to the UK after we relocated here 20 years ago.

    Great news that you have set a date and hopefully you will get to OZ later on.

  • Loads of good info, going off track I am on triple therapy as of last Thursday, had my first chemo on Thursday and all fine for 3 days after but lying in bed last night all my muscles were aching at different times it seemed like, not too bad but noticeable, is this normal?

  • Yes it is normal about this time. Just rest up and take paracetamol but try and go for little walks as well. Note all these things in your diary as each cycle tends to follow a similar course and report it, plus anything else you experience, to the technicians at your next cycle.