Anyone know about: 177Lu-PSMA-617

  • 2 replies
  • 132 subscribers


I hope you have all had lovely weekends. 

We found out recently my dad may be able to potentially take part in the STAMPEDE 2 trial. This would involve 177Lu-PSMA-617: a nuclear medicine therapy. It would be along side HT  

We don’t have any details on this yet other than what’s on the website, we will of course be discussing this in detail with his team but would be keen to hear if anyone knows anything about this treatment option. I’ve seen Luts177 discussed a couple of times but it’s not clear to me if it’s the same thing, it looked to me like it was more of an end resort treatment if nothing else works. The word nuclear also sounds pretty intense. 

also keen to here if anyone was part of the STAMPEDE trial before and what their experience was like. 

  • Hi  

    This therapy has previously been used for biochemical recurrence after chemotherapy and second generation antiandrogen failure but is now being considered for first line treatment under trial. We have had a discussion with our oncologists as this is the possible next step for my husband. Your dad is having a PSMA PET CT scan today which uses small doses of a radionuclide which binds to the PSA which is produced anywhere in the body plus the cancer cells and effectively they light up like a Christmas tree. It is the most sensitive scan so far for prostate cancer. The Lutetium 177 tags on to this ability with a higher dose of radionuclide to kill off the cancer cells in a very targeted way. Procedurally there are extra precautions in that he may either have to stay in hospital for 2 or 3 days each time the infusion is given or he may have to sleep alone at home and all clothes, bedding, towels etc be laundered separately, plus keeping clear of children and pregnant women. I have attached a rather long but informative article which gives more details about monitoring but from what I have read it is similar to being monitored during chemotherapy as can have similar effects on the bloods and kidneys.

    There was a previous post which I have also linked in which refers to the trial with Docetaxel naive patients but also has links to others experiences.

     Lutetium treatment - anyone been through it? 

    Please let us know whether your dad decides to go on the trial but obviously the major questions for the oncologist are whether the evidence so far gives an improved outcome Vs standard treatment such as chemotherapy. The advantage of the technique is that it selectivity kills off cells producing PSA, but also including in the saliva, tear ducts, adrenal glands. Healthy cells will repair, cancerous cells will die.

  • Hi Alwayshope,

    thank you so much for responding, this is so helpful. You are so knowledgeable! It does sound like this is a great treatment. 
    I will definitely update you if we decide to go ahead with the trial. Please do let me know if your OH ends up going down that treatment route. 

    take care,
