PET Scan

  • 41 replies
  • 136 subscribers

Awaiting the appointment to arrive for a PET scan required by my Oncologist due to increasing PSA levels following a robotic radical prostectomy in 2022. He is trying to establish just where the cells are, hopefully in the Prostate bed. A further appointment has already been confirmed. Worried the 'Dark Lord' maybe setting up camp in some other part of my anatomy. Apparently the PET scan he has requested has only been available for the past 2 years.

  • Ask me anything, I live in Bentley a village north of Doncaster, PS you would be surprised how many Scots moved here in the 50s and 60s.


  • Morning Eddie,

    Good luck for today! Think about the coffee / tea and lovely toasty you will have when it is over.

    Lots of love


  • Morning Dafna and thank you, My youngest and his family are visiting, went to coast yesterday but had to get back to prep for today, if no unwanted surprises at hospital going back to seaside today, and will be careful what i eat. best wishes for you both tomorrow, take care.

    love Eddie xx

  • Morning Eddie,

    Was everything OK yesterday?



  • HI Daphna no problems yesterday, bladder looks great compared to 3 months ago, couldn't see colonoscopy screen, but there was minimal discomfort and the Dr said everything looked ok, said the bleeding was being caused by RT damage but looked to be healing and would arrange another scan in 3 month for me. Session 4 for Jacob today, do you have a pre-treatment routine or just do what you would normally do, Have you plans for after or does Jacob need a little rest, best wishes to you both, take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie,

    Great results yesterday for you! So good all clear!

    Yes, we have some routine although this morning he also had his 3 months Zoladex injection. He has his water now and then we go. 

    No plans for today, it's raining nonstop.

    Have a lovely time with your family.

    Lots of love


  • Hi Daphna, I'm happy with yesterday, even got an unexpected call from senior urology consultant today. My youngest has gone home. Which I'm guessing is where you two are now, I hope everything went well and no issues with Zoladex and RT on same day, I have HT and PSA June 5th, my PSA is rising from 0.08 > 0.24 > 0.48 so could be last Prostap HT, we will see. Only 2 to go for Jacob and you, then the whole summer to enjoy. best wishes to you both.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie,

    Thank you. Yes, we are home now and so far all is good.

    Your rise in PSA is it of concern? if the HT stop what is next for you?

    Lots of love


  • Hi Eddie.

    Good news with the results yesterday.

    I'm not sure that they will stop the Prostap even with a rising PSA because it is still doing its job in stopping testosterone production. Hubby has his testosterone checked every time he has a recurrence and we have been told that he will continue on Prostap for as long as he remains below castration level.

  • Hi Daphna home warm and dry out of the rain, kettle on and feet up I hope. When the prostap is ineffective we discussed an androgen blockade enzalutamide, flutamide with either bicalutamide or abiraterone, will know more in three weeks, though consultant has said we are waiting for PSA to get to1.5, the 18 month low was 0.08 which it was at for 15 months, so 1.5 seems a little arbitrary to me, though I'm not in a good place for it to concern me. take care.

    Eddie xx