PET Scan

  • 41 replies
  • 136 subscribers

Awaiting the appointment to arrive for a PET scan required by my Oncologist due to increasing PSA levels following a robotic radical prostectomy in 2022. He is trying to establish just where the cells are, hopefully in the Prostate bed. A further appointment has already been confirmed. Worried the 'Dark Lord' maybe setting up camp in some other part of my anatomy. Apparently the PET scan he has requested has only been available for the past 2 years.

  • On my last one the Doctor drew a map of my  "passageway" told me where it would hurt as he banged the kit on the side to get round the corner. I was so interested I didn't feel a thing.

    HOWEVER - he got to the top - tried to snip off a polyp and the bloo^y thing broke. He had to take it all out and put a new one up.

    I had double coffee and double toast after that!!  Rofl

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  • Where would you be without us - eh ???? GrinGrinGrin

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Been warned about the corner, the sigmoid colon, and that they may have to wiggle me around a bit, "the bloody thing broke", you and Daphna know we come on here for support and reassurance, great job guys, I feel so much more relaxed, two days of worrying coming up. 


  • Oh Eddie do not worry, you will be fine and it is only take 10 mins. Over before you know it!

    Lots of love


  • Thank you Dafna, but i will be fine, been through a lot worse and I'm not worried at all, and I get to see my favourite nurse, I'm almost looking forward to it. say hi to Jacob for me nd thank you again for your support, take care 

    Eddie xx

  • Good luck Eddie your a warrior m8,everything will be fine and as you say meeting your favourite nurse again Thumbsup

  • Hi  Robert, Thank you, I will be fine with the colonoscopy and the cystoscopy later, Though Dafna and Brian need to work on their pep talks, how are you getting on with your radiotherapy, are you on your second week,I hope everything is going smoothly it must be nice staying in a hotel a short walk away form the radiology department and having other cancer patients to talk too, I hope you sail through treatment and are lucky with side effects, best wishes.


  • Morning Eddie as you can probably see early riser as usual I’m on HT at the moment till August then the RT will start,not much problem’s so far we bit off fatigue especially in the afternoon but have an afternoon nap,some hot flushes but in the main good 

  • Hi Robert, I wake up 5.30 every morning, almost everyday for 45 years, sorry about the mix up with dates, though good to hear side effects of HT are manageable and your doing ok, I was in Oban a couple of weeks ago, showing a couple of my grandkids around, on way to Fort William, left there 53 years ago but i still feel at home whenever i visit, returning end of June with most of my family13 so far and 4 very close friends/family in all but name, so hiring a minibus. Will be staying with my auntie near Fort William, and I can't wait, best wishes to you and your family, and good luck with your treatment, take care.


  • Thanks where did you move to if you don’t mind me asking