Active surveillance

  • 59 replies
  • 135 subscribers

Was diagnosed with p.c.about a month ago .was advised to go on Active surveillance 


a gleason score 3+3 my p.s.a 5.5 with a 1cm tumour

Since being diagnosed I am finding it difficult to think about anything else 

Everyday wondering whether to  stay on a.s or ask for treatment 

Also does the anxiety ease the longer your on Active surveillance pr

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the online Prostate Community - we aren't a bad bunch.

    Gleason 6 with an initial PSA of 5.5 is a great result for AS and I know just how you feel - is it going to get worse? I can't help you regarding  what to do next - but I can offer you a little bit of advice. Here's the Prostate cancer UK's advice on AS in the link below:

    We have also an active debate on AS at the moment on this thread:

     Found out Monday love some positive advice 

    I hope the above helps. feel free to ask any questions or join in any conversations.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Michael 

    It does get easier and helps that you have lowish stats.

    However I went on AS for 4 years and my main tumour was 3mm  and increased to 1.3 cm over the 4 years.

    So in your case you need to keep your eye on the size as yours is 1cm, could be worth checking to make sure not near the gland edge but one assumes they would have checked all that.

    U can ask for a copy of the MRI report which can give u more info.

    Best wishes 


  • Thanks for your reply Brian  

  • Thanks for your reply Steve are you still on active surveillance. 

  • No, started 2013, then treatment started  2017 because tumour getting near the gland edge and had 3 tumours by then.

    I probably should have gone for treatment earlier but for various  reasons a bit complicated.

    All ok at the moment though.


  • Hi Michael and welcome to the club I have been on AS since January and I know how you feel,it’s constantly on your mind and we worry as we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t it’s good you’ve been caught early but ultimately it’s your call to make,I was a at bit daunted at my first meeting,but came away read up and consulted with people on this form then decided at my appointment on Wednesday that I was wanting treatment as soon as possible so I’m starting hormone treatment on Tuesday for 3 months which will stop the cancer growth then I get RT,there’s a lot to take in and it can be overwhelming at times,we’re all here for you xxRobert

  • Thanks for your reply Robert finding it hard constantly on my mind considering treatment myself going to speak to consultant nurse if you don't mind me asking are your scores low as well

  • Thanks Steve I just feel that i will probably need treatment at something and delaying it could cost me too much stress . Glad everything OK for you just now

  • Ok Michael, let me give u an up to date opinion 

    The reason that I went on AS was because I really didn't want the treatment, scared in a way I suppose.

    But looking back I could have gone for treatment earlier because it was easy especially as I didn't have the HT.

    If I had gone earlier then I would have had 2 tumours rather than 3 and probably not so near the gland edge.

    It's sometimes difficult to keep on top of AS as I asked them to show me the MRI so I could see what was going on, they wouldn't.

    The only other thing to say is probably wouldn't have gone earlier if going down the surgery route because of potential side effects.

    Good luck


  • Thanks Steve just worried about leaving it any longer myself the nurse did say normally very slow growing that's why I am finding it difficult to make a decision