Delay in getting HT injection?

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  • 164 subscribers

HI all,

So, I was due to have my first 3 month Prostap injection at 10:40 today and just got a text telling me off for not attending the Drs. ;-(

Except I've asked via email several times why the prescription was sitting 'Unsigned' on my Drs Web portal and not been given an explanation as to why it isn't.

They didn't have time to listen to the phone message I left at 8 this morning or read the eMessage I sent at 9 ... or the several 'Contact us' messages I have sent previously. ;-(

So I sat on hold for 25 mins at 11 and spoke to someone who wasn't able to answer my question of 'why' it hadn't been signed but said she will remove my first '3 strikes and you are out' flag, will put the script out for the Dr to sign later today / tomorrow and has made me another appointment for the 4th of Dec?

Boots don't hold stock of Prostap and can't order it in advance without the script because of the cost (£225 or so I think I looked up), so I have to get the script from the Dr and back to boots before anything will happen.

I would have been more on top of this if I hadn't been driving people about and attending my Mum who has just been rushed into a hospital an hour away with a stroke.

Much of the visit is (me / us gently) keeping on top of the staff doing what is needed and they have promised (like replacing broken kit, after downloading the service manual, diagnosing the cause of the fault myself because they just keep pressing the alarm reset button, not fixing the issue ...)  because they are so strung out themselves ...

Sorry for unloading that ... so will I be put to any greater risk of my PC if this HT injection happens a week later than planned?

  • Able,

    Not sure I fully understand how your jab arrangements should work.  My 3 monthly Zoladex is administered by a nurse at my GP surgery.  I never get to see the Zoladex (apart from I can see it on my prescriptions on the NHS App).

    As for a delay of a week to start, I think that won’t matter as you will already be on HT I imagine.

    Good luck next week


  • Hello  

    You will be fine with you HT injection being late but you need to ensure the all the others are done "on time".

    I am on 6 monthly injections and the deal is a "Shared Agreement" between urology and my GP practice. 

    I know when my injections are due and 3 weeks before my date I call at the G P practice, arrange for them to issue the prescription to my  pharmacy and also book a date for the jab. All I need do then is pick up the medication and turn up for the jab. It's worked perfect for me.

    Penultimate jab in the backside tomorrow!  Fearful.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • That's very strange. As others have mentioned, i get mine by the practice nurse. If you have the NHS app you should be able to see the prescription for any meds. My Zoladex scrip is on mine and it has the dates for reorder etc. I just request it through the app, the nurse/Dr who authorises intervenes and it gets sent to the surgery not for me to pick up and take. If you havent got it, it might help. There is a chain of actions which helps too.

    With regard to your other hospital trauma, I've noticed that no hospital staff can be trusted any longer. If anyone in our house/family goes into hospital, I've found they need a responsible adult to ensure their safety and proper meds etc. Don't be fooled by the "I'm really busy" excuse, these guys are professionals who we seem to have allowed to drop levels of care because covid was traumatic. It was a couple of years ago, we shouldn't be nurses and care assistants when people are in hospital.

  • My 3 monthly Zoladex is administered by a nurse at my GP surgery.  I never get to see the Zoladex

    That makes much more sense but not what I understand happens with our system.

    I dropped off the paperwork from my hospital to the DRs that explained what medicines and when and actually gave me the first month (test) injection for the Dr to administer (nurse in my bum in that instance) that I was given by the hospital.

    I could then see the next injection on my web portal thing but it sat there as 'unsigned' but now says "Script requires collection from surgery' so that's a step forward. ;-)

    Yeah, I am on HT but only a dose that was supposed to last 'a month' in case I reacted to it badly and so minimise the impact etc.

  • You will be fine with you HT injection being late but you need to ensure the all the others are done "on time".

    Thanks for that Brian. I didn't think it would be that critical (given all the differences in peoples physiology) but I thought I should ask.

    I know when my injections are due and 3 weeks before my date I call at the G P practice, arrange for them to issue the prescription to my  pharmacy and also book a date for the jab. All I need do then is pick up the medication and turn up for the jab.

    Yeah, that seems to be what should happen here and it looked like it was going ok and in plenty of time, up till this bit. ;-(

    I'm not sure who pays for the jab (NHS or local Drs / trust whatever) and if they were holding off spending that money till they knew I was still alive to administer it! ;-)

  • My Zoladex scrip is on mine and it has the dates for reorder etc. I just request it through the app, the nurse/Dr who authorises intervenes and it gets sent to the surgery not for me to pick up and take.

    That's the way I imagined it might be, not the case here it seems.

    I've noticed that no hospital staff can be trusted any longer. If anyone in our house/family goes into hospital, I've found they need a responsible adult to ensure their safety and proper meds etc.

    That's party why we have (so far anyway) had someone there whenever possible (inc pushing the official visiting hours and making sure we both take notes and see any processes though to completion) if at all possible.

    Likre, Mum kept groaning and holding her lower stomach / pelvis area and we thought she was uncomfortable because she hadn't had a No2 for a few days. It turned out she hadn't had a proper No1 for a few days either and even with NBM, had been on a drip and feeding tube and so had been taking on fluids and food.

    We highlighted she was obviously 'uncomfortable' several times and eventually someone gave her a quick ultrasound bladder scan and saw it was very full. A catheter was fitted and they drew off 1400ml! She was also put on an antibiotic drip but getting the reason (reactive or preventative) was difficult to extract, along with an answer to 'is there a chance she has suffered any bladder / kidney damage by holding on for so long (apparently having a stroke can impact our ability to be able to even 'go', even if you want / try to)?

    They (most the nurses) seem happy for us to complain because I think they see that as the only way anything is going to change for the better?

    • Sorry you have had to go through this. When my husband needs his injection I phone the surgery they just ask what injection it is, I tell them and they check the system and book the appointment. They then do whatever they have to do to get the decapeptyl injection 
  • Thanks for that.

    We happened to be going past the Drs on the way to visiting Mum and so popped in to see if the script had been signed (as it said on the web portal thing) but it hadn't, or had but wasn't back in reception, so I'll check again tomorrow morning and then pop it into Boots, if another local pharmacy doesn't have it in stock.

    So I was told I was first given a '1 month dose' and this will be a '3 month dose' so is it some clever time release, or is it where they inject it makes it so or will I be getting an HT 'hit' that will wear down over the next 3 months?

  • Hi  

    It's a delayed release thing. When they inject it into your body it forms a type of gel that releases the hormones over the stated period be it one month, three or six.and so you get the same daily "hit" over the period.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • That's clever but then does mean I will be experiencing a drop in the treatment for a week because of this delayed jab?

    If I didn't, I'd be getting an increased (doubled) dose because of an overlap?

    Either way I think I'm going to ask for actual answers as to why this issue happened, as they had my script on their system for me a month ago and also had my appointment booked a week ago. Plus I must have questioned why it was on hold  at least 3 times. I wonder if the practice had run out of money, assuming they have to pay for it?